A big change from the Dungers a lady doing her shopping with her cart. My entry for Leadballoony's annual Fembruary Challenge here https://leadballoony.com/2021/01/13/mythic-battles-pantheon-introducing-the-amazons/ to complete a female mini that doesn't fit the generic fur bikini often featured in our hobby. No idea who made her and in an attempt to get in on time she still needs based but I have made it.
When I get round to basing her she'll be a civilian or perhaps a crazed bomber with the charge under the cornflakes.
It's more Paranoia parabots this time, Funbot, and Jackbots A and B. I should make clear the screen on the leggy Jackbot is deliberate ( not that my freehand stretches to anything reasonable) it's meant to be "the colour of a tv screen tuned to a dead station", gold star if you spot the openning line.
And then there were indeed more Combot RR7 and a mecbot. I attempted to make the mechbot look like a police one with the checkerboard pattern used on our local vehicles blue and yellow green, not as successful as I would like but as they say practice makes competent.
Also added a WArzone mini which has a nurglie mechanical hybrid look, perhaps less civilian than my usual.
Definitely non oldhammer but fits with my large beastman hybrid minis a Corvus Belli Devil Dog, I think it works with the minotaur and another Pantheon space minotaur is at the front of the queue so I hope he is forgiven.
The latest addition a touch steampunk some members of the Bandlers School for Girls fiield trip in resin from Ramshackle games. These took a long time to get done and i got a bit frustrated with them but I'll call the finished.
And more has been done. some additions to my street people a young lady with a billiard que, it started as a hockey stick but broke off, a ganger with autogun and a street samurai.
I found the samurai really difficult to photo against white so took a quick shot against the back of my desk, a bit odd but it did help the clarity. Now I see the other two i need to redo them, they looked ok before I sized them.