A change of heart on old minis


Well I've just finished up a 'new' Beast of Nurgle that I've had for a while and it got me thinking (I know, sorry) about models I thought were poor/bad/urgh back in the day, but now I find myself either more sympathetic to or at least nostalgic about. The Beast of Nurgle was one such miniature.

The original Beast of Nurgle miniature (top of linked page) just didn't do anything for me at the time, the later release (bottom of previous link) passed me by. The latest plastic version I liked when it was released but now having painted it I find myself wanting the originals instead.

I don't know if it's just having finally got a decent number of Nurgle models on the display shelf now and I'm nostalgia for models that better match the older aesthetic or if I have a better appreciation of the original sculpt now, or maybe the grass is just a better plague green on the other side of the abyss?

Anyhow I wondered what models other people thought "no way" about back in the day, but now scour eBay and carboot sales for...


I must say my taste for minis has remained vastly unchanged throughout my hobby career, but I certainly wouldn't touch most stuff from the red period/whfb 4th ed. now
Until 5th ed. was released, GW presence in Italy was erratic at best (no GW shops and a few LHS stocking *something*) and you had to make do with what you could find: I discovered citadel miniatures just at the end of 3rd ed. and had not the chance to indulge in 80s sculpts, which are the ones I love best.
I now look at the early 90s sculpts I had to buy at the time and can't really force myself to like them :grin: (with the execption of night goblins and stone trolls)

So, basically, I still like what I liked 30 years ago and can't stand what I didn't like back then :grin:


tricky.. there are some models i didn't get back in the day because i didn't collect that group while i would like to have now and some of them back in the day it was more 'it's okay, but not great' when now I'm looking at them and thinking 'I should have gotten it when i had the chance'.. Good example of that would be the Genestealer Patriarach and Magus..

There are some models I wasn't very keen on, for example i got a load of the AHQ Skaven, which when compared to alot of the metals and the Fantasy Regiment ones i got. They seamed a bit bulky (though i'm not sure Skaven should really been as weedy as they are sometimes done) and felt the fur texture was bad.. but looking back at the figures, and some paint jobs others have done, i think part of it was due to that fact they were second hand and all painted very monotone so the skin and the fur was all the same colour and i didn't get around to repainting them (too busy painting newer figures i had which i had to get painted up to repaint ones already done). the 4ed Skaven were basicaly re-tools of the AHQ models and seam alot btter to me, and when i was painting one a while back, it did seam to off as probebly partly due to paint work.

there are also quite a few figures which i though were so-so but... since i've generally disliked some of the newer more 'lets make things very fussy and in real-life proprorions', i've decided I like a bit more then the older stuff.


My interests have waxed and waned over the years regarding figures, especially as I kicked off with pre-slotta, there are a few stalwarts from that period which still rock my boat, such as O&G's, Dark Elves and Slann and especially the Tom Meier lizardmen and Troglodytes 8-) , the initial slotta based figures were OK, but then GW started adding spikes to everything and thus my interest fell away. :cry:
Figures I've come around to which I initially hated were the desciples of the red redemption, now I think their smashing little examples of chaos initiates with a great back story, whereas, the knights of the cleansing flame are just formas for all other spearmen from that period, which leave me cold.

Paul / Golgfag1


Well here is another from me... just arrived in the post this morning:


Not a model I liked back in the day, I thought the driver's steering looked daft. Well it still does a bit, but I've now bought one to go with my little band of orcs (when they get done). I love the way the original owner of this bent the car frame to get the gun to fit over the driver's head!

Thinking of another - whilst more midhammer than oldhammer the Imperator Titan that came with Titan Legions wasn't one I thought much of, but if I'm honest I'd not mind one on the collection now. That might just be because they seem fairly scarce and hard to come by at a decent price of course. Want what you can't have and all that!


Ah, the large battle buggy.

isn't that the same type of steering you get on most open buggies? or atleast older ones..


Well I now finally have some classic Beasts of Nurgle ... managed to get hold of four of the blighters for a decent price. Fortunately not as "decent" as they often seem to go for on ebay, but that was due to them all missing feet. I'm hoping that my limited sculpting skills might be up to making some replacements. Currently sat in the paint stripper and then it'll be time to see how much of the old glue I can get off before breaking out the green stuff! So a fresh WIP to sit alongside all the other unfinished jobs!