90's inspired 40,000 terrain

Nice stuff, I see you've got Rick on the background for the authentic period experience! Been distracting myself idly planning some 40k terrain boards, of course I've not considered where I might keep them .... must remember storage!
I can only recommend copying paper boxes :) They are throwing them to the thrash at my workplace, except those I save ;)
I blended the shrubbery with the bases, on the larger pieces covered the aluminium foil, with a mixture of gesso primer and tile grout.


view full sized image [4032x2268]

As there are some tight spaces between the plants, I wanted to apply a base brown layer first, but don't have any suitable airbrushable brown available. Didn't want to bother making an acrylic paint thin enough. So I choose the best one available, a dark red from Molotow.

The sweetgum seed pods were then given a coat of Molotow white through the airbrush, to make the inks to be applied next pop. As the airbrush did not reach all the tight nooks and crannies, the natural brown provided an adequate shadow color.

Then I applied different shades of ink, applying a 3 color gradient to each plant.

Projekt already mostly done :)

Now I only need to take care of the bases.


^^Your terrain is making me want to rake my yard. I'm not sure that's quite the desired effect. But . . . well done just the same. Creative use of gumballs.

[SiFi] 90's Inspired Industrial Structures

Anybody remember the White Dwarf Presents leaflet from the '90s? From 1992 to be precise. It was the first GW publication I owned, and I don't know how much time I spent drooling over it back in the day... still occasionally do nowadays. For me this is an evergreen, gorgeous artwork, the game shots to this day resonate with me, even more so back then when the whole hobby was a new world for me to discover.

For Warhammer 40,000 I really liked the industrial type terrain showcased on page 16. Well, also the ork adobe style buildings, but that is for another project...

As I need to build some human made structures for this terrain set, this classic is going to be my first subproject on buildings.

With the image scanned, I scaled it in Inkscape so that the base nearest to the high structure was about 25mm wide, and then started to take measurements.

For the building on stilts (I will call it the pump station) I ended up with the following parts to cut:


I just placed an order for some plastic card, rods etc. as my stash doesn't hold enough or the right size of what I need.

Still contemplating how to recreate the upright pipe/valve things in the middle and the right of the picture. The closest that comes to my mind that might provide these shapes are the shells/innards of biros and/or sharpies. You got any idea?



Looking forward to seeing this project. Not sure how you are going to drill out a 7mm hole in an 8x8mm bit of board, that'll take some serious skill!

They look rather like they might be repurposed toy components. I guess you could probably turn down a piece of larger rod if you have access to a lathe. I used to spend a lot of time pouring over the various valves and pipes and other interesting bits in the EMA catalogue, may be something in there. You might find a cheap set of rocket toys may provide some similar shapes or perhaps spark plugs?
Looking forward to seeing this project. Not sure how you are going to drill out a 7mm hole in an 8x8mm bit of board, that'll take some serious skill!
Looked good in Inkscape :) With a 6mm it looked not so good.

So far for the computer screen theory.

Reality might cause some amendments to the drawings...


Drilling holes like that tends to require either a nice mill or at least a flat D bit and a drill stand. The joy of having a proper workshop *sigh*. Or I guess you could file them out! You give that no good reality a damn good kicking if it comes calling! :)
My plan is not to drill a 7mm hole in an 8mm square.

My plan is to drill couple holes in a sheet of plasticard. Then cut the rectangles around the holes.

As I said... theory ... ;)