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2nd Edition Scenario Deals - Photos needed!


I’m getting close to completing all characters for McDeath. Looking at the deal sheet in the box along with the models shown the deal included:

MD3 40 Orcs
MD4 20 Goblin Archers
MD10 16 Warriors (to go with Brooben Keyler)
MD11 9 Dwarf (to join Arka Zargul)
MD12 4 Treemen (to join Klinky, or where all five the same model?)

Did anyone get a set back then and have any idea which ranges these unit were made up from? Or maybe have some photos?


Re: McDeath

Interesting question! Keen to see if people know the answer, especially as I'm currently building up the unit of dwarves to accompany Arka Zargul.


Re: McDeath

I have the lichemaster stuff, i'll get some photos of the figures i was sent for the deal. It might help someone in future.


Re: McDeath

I got the Dolgan Raiders sets from the 2nd Citadel Journal if anyone needs to know what was in them


Re: McDeath

Quendil":1pomr2f7 said:
I got the Dolgan Raiders sets from the 2nd Citadel Journal if anyone needs to know what was in them

YES PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!! (though perhaps in a separate thread?)


Re: McDeath

That would be great. I could change this to the 2nd edition scenario deal thread.


Thanks Steve, they're useful for the characters, but i'd like to identify the rank and file too.

I've taken a few photos. I bought a variety of units from the Terror and Vengeance of the LIchemaster, please excuse the old and incomplete paintwork...

TL1 Gimbrin Finehelm and his Dwarf Band.

TL2 Ranlac and his (20) skeleton warriors, TL3 Mikeal Jacsen and his (10) zombie troupe , TL4 Henrich Kemmler and his skeleton guard (20) and TL5 Krell and zombie guard (10).

The leaders (i bought Ranlac recently, the guy behind i was supplied)

The 40 Skeletons

The 20 zombies

TL6 and TL7 the Village archers and militia i didn't buy, but i'm pretty sure they were the Perry Twins men at arms and bought foundry casts.

TL8 The Bogels and Village heroes

I also bought these from the Vengence deal

VL4 The Shock Unit - undead cavalry

VL5 Bagrian and his monks. I was supplied alternates for these...

But found these on ebay a couple of years ago...

And lastly VL6 although i'm not sure which two skaven from them were the champions, i think packwielder was one...

A Badger

Good question - I'm pretty sure, based on release dates and the designs on the cut out character sheet, the Orc's Drift orcs were the early slotta Perry C15 ones, as seen in the 3rd Compendium. Probably similar for the Dwarfs.

Having said that, I did see a large collection of Orc's Drift characters being sold with the original LoTR (Perry) Red Eye Orcs.

Also, I noted that both the card cut outs & John Blanche's GM's guide cover art from McDeath appear very similar to ME85 Treebeard: Mighty Ent


The Dolgan Raiders Deal

I am guessing a lot of it was random depending on what they had stock of.

Dolgan Raiders

Personalities. Ivan, The Storyteller, Terek & his Wardogs

Yuri's Bowmen. Yuri & 20 Archers (Yuri at the bottom)

Stephans Swordsmen. Stephen and 20 Fighters (Stephen at the bottom)

Hobgoblin Caravan

Bagnol and the Hobgoblins. Bagnol, 20 fighters & 10 Archers (Bagnol was the pre slot one, missing an archer in the photo)

Gutrot and the Wolfriders. Gutrot, his wolf and 9 wolf riders (No idea who Gutrot was supposed to be)

Blackeye & the Slave Ogres. Blackeye & 6 Giant Ogres (3 ogres missing as I must have traded them years ago so will need to pick 3 more up)

The Camp Followers. 20 Goblins (Old ROR all 20 the same only showing 10) & 10 Lesser Goblins


Wow thanks for posting the photos. I'm collecting all of these so the photos will really help. Looks like the dolgan Swordsmen were men at arms? Did you get sent a centaur?


The storyteller does come up on eBay for reasonable prices. I got mine a few weeks ago and have seen others since.