2025 Legacy Crew Theme Suggestions

Another idea is ‘If you go down in the woods today’. Lots of possibilities here for different people, professions, flora, fauna, races, scenery etc.


oooh, there are two things I would love to suggest but... I would probably be the only person to know what the hell I was talking about ^_^ and one is pretty dull.




^_^ ah of course the act written and passed by people who really don't get much sleep so don't need to worry about breathing when sleeping ¬_¬ bugger all to do with safety..

can't figure out how to do a parody warband based on Mary Whitehouse ^_^


Okay, you folks have lost me. I'm assuming everything after "into the woods" was jest. But maybe the woods need a Hairy Whitemouse in them? (Sounds like the British version of our own Phyllis Schlafly. Is there a Whitehouse ale in the UK to make her family angry? There's a local brewery peripherally related to Schlafly. Decent beer, even. It was the first English style ale brewed in my hometown in generations, and it's still one of only two places I know where you can get a proper pumped cask ale. The other place has quite decent bitters, in my marginally informed opinion. If anyone on here ever finds reason to visit St. Louis, MO . . . I'd love to get your opinion. Anyway, back to legacy themes.)

Ooh . . . political satire? Too dangerous? There's definitely a pretty solid batch of incredibly silly politicians out there presently in numerous parties and hemispheres. And it's on brand. Mind you, I already suggested Tilean Mercs . . .