2024 Legacy Signup: The Great Escape in Space


To be fair we are a little guard heavy right now ... four guards one prisoner on the shelf. I know Manic's squat is underway and he'll be a (well armed) prisoner! However as in all things miniature related - you should paint what you feel like painting - little point if it's a chore!

I was poking one of the above imperial guard plastics - the one with the melta and it fell off, so now he has some trimmed zombie arms. Little bit of green stuff tonight to fill the wounds maybe and we have one more prisoner - anyone want to paint him? If not I'll try to find a minute to slap on some blue/grey coveralls!



Well from your point of view I'm the overseas one! You're USA I think? So if I've remembered correctly given it's a nice light plastic mini International Standard should be about £4, which I think I could manage :) I think there was a pickaxe left on the sprue so maybe I should do another model and we should make you paint two digging prisoners!? :) Would you be up for that?
Well from your point of view I'm the overseas one! You're USA I think? So if I've remembered correctly given it's a nice light plastic mini International Standard should be about £4, which I think I could manage :) I think there was a pickaxe left on the sprue so maybe I should do another model and we should make you paint two digging prisoners!? :) Would you be up for that?
Sure that sounds like a plan to me - I’ll send shipping details to you and see if I can’t get something back to you in time!


Well done! I'll finish up the conversions and pop them over your way ...

They can either come back to me or if David is collating US side it can go to him, not quite sure if I'm going to ship everything I have to him prior to distribution since he is our spiritual leader or if we'll avoid taking too many chances on the postal systems of the world losing/crushing/vaporising it all and I'll ship it to the winner directly. Still we can figure that all out in due course.


Mine has been sitting on the painting table for a long time. Have a board meeting tomorrow, and then I can relax and get back to painting.


Good stuff! I must get back to doing a bit of painting this week, got a few models that are soooo close to being done!

Done enough on the conversions now ... they shall head stateside for any finishing up (@sewers.of.estark you might want to give them another pass before priming) and a lovely lick of paint. We'll then have our work crew!

Not much change from before, I covered the arms a bit to bulk out the zombie arms, covered over the open wounds and added some pockets on the shoulders. I think they look a little better.


Will post 'em over when I get a minute.


I think I varnished mine...

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fair enough then ^_^ I'm pretty sure mine is.. okay.. at the stage where I think I can just spend forever trying to add more and more detailing on but to the level of my skill, It would probably not be the best one to try to improve too much on ^_^. I'll give it a basic matt coat then take a photo before shipping it off.


ugh.. the camera claimed it was in focus.. I think the fact that pressing down on the button moves the camera in my hand a bit doesn't help..
Decided to leave the shoulder pads blank. Not sure if i'll get a couple more (better) shots before sending but oh well. I think its... fairly good and up to my skill level, but could be better (ugh.. hazard strips ¬_¬


At last Welinski has been completed. As a veteran member of the Planetary Defence force of his home planet WRocklo in the Dnalop system recently carved up between the evil authoritarian regimes bordering it (the Empire of Man you know who we are talking about) Welinski's experience in the mines of his home has proved valuable in his many escapes from previous prison camps, although the stress is beginning to tell. Fortunately he has made friends with one of the guard dogs which has a side hussle as a therapy dog.

I had hoped to do a proper cyber pup for the project but life got in the way so this is one of the mighty Nick Lund's Chronicle war dogs.

Good luck to all and I'll get him off this week.