To be fair we are a little guard heavy right now ... four guards one prisoner on the shelf. I know Manic's squat is underway and he'll be a (well armed) prisoner! However as in all things miniature related - you should paint what you feel like painting - little point if it's a chore!
I was poking one of the above imperial guard plastics - the one with the melta and it fell off, so now he has some trimmed zombie arms. Little bit of green stuff tonight to fill the wounds maybe and we have one more prisoner - anyone want to paint him? If not I'll try to find a minute to slap on some blue/grey coveralls!

I was poking one of the above imperial guard plastics - the one with the melta and it fell off, so now he has some trimmed zombie arms. Little bit of green stuff tonight to fill the wounds maybe and we have one more prisoner - anyone want to paint him? If not I'll try to find a minute to slap on some blue/grey coveralls!