
  1. Eric

    WFB3 A Sylvanian Werewolf in Nippon

    Our story begins with the tale of a traveller seeking passage from the Old World to Nippon. Our mysterious traveller, Kessler pays an adventurous merchant captain a hefty purse of gold up front to take him to the mysterious East. Unknown to the captain Kessler actually hails from the dark...
  2. administrator

    Statlines and other custom markup in posts

    You can add BBCode to your posts to format them, BBCode works in much the same way as HTML and Markdown markup tags in text. The tags surround the text to format. BBCode consists of tags made from brackets [ and ]. You can read a good guide over at In addition to the common...
  3. Rogue Trader and goofiness

    I want to get back into 40k. Specifically, fun, narrative, scenario driven 40k. With a healthy dose of goofiness to take the edge off the grimdark. It'll take me a while to get the baby into a regular sleep pattern, adjust my model collection and scenery and so on, but I'd like to be in a...
  4. New Realm of Chaos 80s Scenarios!

    Following the Super Soaraway Success of the Realm of Chaos 80s Oldhammer Mutations table, we're back, with more 1980s retro goodness. The chaos warp has been mutating the Warhammer Realm of Chaos with thoughtforms from 1980s Earth, mutating all sorts of creatures into bizarre Aberrations of...