legacy crew

  1. symphonicpoet

    2025 Legacy Market Spot Color Suggestions

    Let's put this up here for two weeks and then we'll hold a poll to see what the answer will be. The spot color is usually a color that should ties everything together into a band. It needn't be the principal color, but it should be at least a prominent accent; a scarf or bandolier, say. Add...
  2. symphonicpoet

    2025 Legacy Crew Signup: Market Day

    You walk through a brightly colored fabric gateway onto a square festooned with tents, tables, firepits, flags, loud with music and shouting, people moving everywhere. Above the din you hear a melodious baritone voice rolling over the crowd. "Welcome one and all to the Legacy Market on the Old...
  3. symphonicpoet

    2025 Oldhammer Theme Poll

    It's that time. Vote early, vote often!
  4. symphonicpoet

    2025 Legacy Crew Theme Suggestions

    We're still cleaning up the last couple of details of the 2024 crew, but I figure it's time to get the 2025 discussion started. This being a fantasy year, we'll need a good fantasy theme. I'll edit this initial post to add suggestions as people make them, and I'll set up a poll on . . . shall we...
  5. symphonicpoet

    2024 Legacy Spot Color Poll

    Please pick two: one prisoner and one guard.
  6. symphonicpoet

    2024 Legacy Spot Color suggestions

    Anyone have any suggestions? I'm thinking this will be a two theme kind of deal this year: one for the prisoners and one for the guards. Make your suggdstions in the responses and I'll update the top post to reflect that. Let's let it go through the end of the month and then start a poll...
  7. symphonicpoet

    2024 Legacy Signup: The Great Escape in Space

    Sign up in the comments of this thread. I'll edit the top post to reflect that. EricF: The prison camp SymphonicPoet: TBD. Maybe an elf and an orc guard? ManicMan: Sorren or Sedgwick-squat inchmurrin: Bronson/Welinski-squat epicsatsuma: Kuhn-gestapo/inquisitor Sleepysod: Ives sewers.of.estark...
  8. symphonicpoet

    2024 Legacy Theme Runoff Poll

    Time to settle the 2024 legacy theme question with a runoff.
  9. symphonicpoet

    Spot Color Poll

    Vote for two. Change your votes if you like. Top two finishers will be the spot colors for the group. (Though as always, there's nothing to prevent one from using additional colors, just so long as you include the two in question.) Ends 4/4.
  10. symphonicpoet

    2023 Lustrian Cutthroats Signup

    Sign up to submit a miniature to the annual Oldhammer Forums miniature raffle. The rules are simple: submit a miniature on theme for a chance to win the lot. The miniature needn't be old lead, but it should fit the theme, which is a Lustrian Raiding Party based on Black Adder's Cutthroats. As...
  11. symphonicpoet

    2023 Spot Color and Basing

    Any thoughts on spot colors and basing? I'll ad them to the top of this tread as folks comment and then we can have another poll in . . . oh, let's say a week? Run it for a week or so maybe?
  12. symphonicpoet

    2023 Legacy Crew Poll

    Let's open the voting!
  13. symphonicpoet

    2023 Legacy Raffle Suggestions

    So if we follow pattern, 2023 will be a fantasy year. Let's brainstorm some ideas and I'll open up the voting when I get back home in early February. Suggestions thus far: The Thousand and One Knights (Characters from Sheharazade's many tales.) Dark Elf War Band Alternative Fellowship of the...
  14. symphonicpoet

    2022 spot colo(u)r and basing discussion

    Thought we might have a discussion on accent pigmentation, however one chooses to spell the descriptive verbiage. (How did a noun get to be verbiage anyway?) The logo appears to have gone through red/white and yellow/black iterations. Light blues and browns seem to have been unifying colors on...
  15. symphonicpoet

    2022: Legacy Crew: Space A-Team Sign UP

    So it looks like it will be Space A-Team this year. That's pretty flexible, but we will have some specific needs: the leader, the face, the heavy, and the pilot. Other useful rolls could include a tech specialist or sniper. I aim to watch some or all of it again as inspiration, but it seems...
  16. symphonicpoet

    Legacy Crew vote, to close Sunday Jan 23.

    Here's the poll. Vote wisely as we'll be stuck with this for the next 49 weeks. ;-) And above all, have fun everyone.
  17. symphonicpoet

    2022 Legacy Crew discussion

    So it's time to get this rolling and I thought I'd solicit suggestions. It's a sci-fi year this time. The last sci fi bunches were a bug cult, arbiters and gangers, and a pirate crew. Skull and Crown recently did a nice Hobbit in Space kickstarter, and Rogue Trader was originally the Lord of the...
  18. symphonicpoet

    2021 Legacy Nurgle/Zombie Signup

    So the theme is Papa Nurgle and the Plague Zombie Special. Beeeg surprise that! ;-) Since violet (or purple) and green was about the only suggestion I think we can dispense with the formalities of a vote. Sign up in the comments of this thread. I'll edit the top post to write you in so's folks...
  19. symphonicpoet

    2021 Legacy Crew Voting and spot color

    I feel this may be a touch of a formality, and I'm a tad cheeky, but this is an honest vote. Please do comment with spot color suggestions or alternate themes. I do like the plague zombie idea, but it's so . . . 2020. I've added Skaven just as an alternative. Rats absolutely aren't 2020. Why...
  20. symphonicpoet

    2021 Legacy Crew suggestions

    So, let's start this off properly. I'd say let's take suggestions through the fifteenth and then throw it open for voting through the 31st? vonkortez: Nurgle Warband. SymphonicPoet: Zombies! Sleepysod: Nurgle Zombies!!