Rob_S":3dkcxv4s said:
Ah Mr Prime, good to see you here. The captions on the pics are a nice touch.
Take a group shot of the whole army. You would give Goblin Lee a run for his money with your chaos horde!
Looking forward to seeing some of your new stuff when your painting table is set-up. You will have your mojo back in no time.
Of these three my favourite is the thug. These are the models you used a technical pen to dot the eyes with yeah? That's a neat time saving trick.
I think Mr Goblin Lee's collection is so vast, that he would well and truly trounce the
combined force of every single one of us "oldhammerers" in a pitch battle!
My army is minuscule compared to his, but thanks for the compliment Bob
I'll take a horde photo when I get set up, but in the mean time crappy phone pic's will have to suffice.
Those pen's are great..... don't leave home without them.
phreedh":3dkcxv4s said:
Nice stuff, Optimus. Your buddy was right, thanks for posting!
Thanks phreedh,
I'm a bit of a private person, so I feel kinda awkward showing my stuff.
Count Von Bruno":3dkcxv4s said:
They look pretty darn nice to me Prime ( read that in an Ironhide voice)...I'm my own worst critic myself though, so I sorta get where you're coming from.
Yeah, might be an Aussie thing too, not wanting to blow your own horn. But honestly, I know I have painting skills that need improving. I'd love to do one of those painting weekend things they seem to do all the time in Europe one day....i reckon spending just two days with some of those guys would vastly improve my painting abilities!
Captain Crooks":3dkcxv4s said:
You aren't Mr Optimus Prime are you? Nice work, I like the muted grey approach, it's subtly evil
Very astute of you Mr Captain Crooks. I am indeed the one and only Autobot that has graced the pages of Mr Rob S' blog from time to time. Perhaps I should have chosen a slightly less than obvious moniker if I wanted to stay incognito on this forum? Oh well, too late now