Malacassa's Oldhammer Blog Who Do You Serve?

Blog: Malacassa's Oldhammer Blog
Owner: Malacassa
Author: Rob D
Post: Who Do You Serve?


So, I have finished of the little Minas Tirith project with the knight done. And found time to also finish off the Uruk Hai scout captain. Whilst I don't have any more Uruk Hai in waiting pile but I have decided redo a few older minis which need a bit of an update.
The Osgiliath veterans hold off invading orcs.
Last of the Osgiliath veterans and first of Uruk Hai scouts.​

The Uruk Hai group for tidy up.
Saruman and scout captains.
The entire group of Osgiliath veterans.
Friday night so time for a beer.


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