White Dwarves With...

Does anyone know of, or have a list of WD's that had adverts in them for the various Townscape villagers and so on?
I would really like to have physical copies of the adverts to look at when deciding what villager I need next, rather than looking at images online or saved to my pooter.
P.S. Familiar with the Orclord's Stuff page on The Stuff of Legends? It contains photos, usually from multiple angles, of painted figures from his collection. IMO, it's the best online visual resource for much of the old Citadel range.

Here, for example, is the entry for the C46 witch hunter that I mentioned on another of your threads today.
Does anyone know if the moulds for these ranges are with Foundary? There are such great sculpts and am sure would sell well if rereleased.