Malacassa's Oldhammer Blog What is the Opposite of Grimdark?

Blog: Malacassa's Oldhammer Blog
Owner: Malacassa
Author: Rob D
Post: What is the Opposite of Grimdark?

The Giant Rainbow Frogs of Lustria!

Finished off the last two giant frogs. I am particularly pleased with the orange one. Which is one of those colours I struggle to get a really bright colour. They were great fun to paint and I may need to get a couple more to make a hunting pack for Slann animal handlers.

Once I painted a red, green and blue ones, I sort of had paint the other ones to complete the colour spectrum.

'Slann trappers find their prize, the Giant Rainbow frog.
Considered a real delicacy by Slann nobles.'

One in every colour!

'Poachers hunt the giant Rainbow frogs for
their hallucinogenic poison glands.'


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