What are you actually doing though?

Skimming across the forum, and the blog-o-sphere, and online in general there seems to be a thing that oldhammerers are less inclined to be getting ready for games?
In areas outside oldhammersville, the things I see people share and post are almost always preparations for games or additions to existing units etc.
They seem to be working toward a defined playable goal.

I myself am.
I have purchased all the soldiers I need as these are planned.
I have some of the civilians I want.
I have some of the buildings I need.
I have some of the terrain I need.

I do have milestones and mini goals to help me get to my final destination.
The big battle, the ultimate showdown between the undead hordes of neighbouring Sylvania and the plucky villagers of Heiligsheld.

But as often as not people oldhammering seem to be doing other stuff too, painting models they like, making buildings for the sake of it, there seems to be more doing stuff that has no end game as such.

I am curious what your oldhammerishness looks like?
Is it collecting, painting, modelling, preparing things for games, other etc...


well.. Bugger all people to play with really, so that probably helps slow down my painting and working on stuff.. though I want to get my Skaven Army to a playable degree (well.. I need to do some photos and update on it but.. got 1 unit of clan rats done, 1 unit of plague monks, 1 unit of gutter runners, 1 unit of giant rats, and a few misc. figures.. not really much to use but probably ... about 600 points worth playable.) then I want to get an Empire force to a degree which means I can see about getting someone to play a game with the figures I got or... something..

that said, I do have my little Heroquest group and I am trying to get some figures ready for a new quest where I have sourced up the figures (mostly) and working though (slowly) to get them ready.. though it's a bit slow cause I think they wouldn't be useable until... mm.. maybe August/September.

But mostly I'm trying to force myself to do stuff and focus on stuff. Trying to set a goal and have a REASON for doing it kinda helps... just kinda can be hard to do


I also play historicals and that takes most of my hobby time at the minute. The next project in oldhammer land is probably getting my chaos forces into a state that they can be used for Midgard. So organise them, get an army list together, get some movement trays and make sure they are all based. If that turns out to be fun then I'll probably try to get back onto my Fantasy Warriors and Nick Lund orc army.


I have all the miniatures I really need to play about any game I would want at this point, though I keep buying miniatures and painting them anyway. That said, my painting is pretty slow now. Rounding things out here and there. I have tables and buildings, though it's always nice to have more. (The current project is denser, more urban terrain for a grittier, cluttered urban setting. There's also a bunch of spaceship corridors in need of work.)

I don't get to play as often as I would like, or necessarily what I would like, but I play enough. Had a double dip of a Rogue Trader last stand/endless assault a weekend or two back with an old friend. In one version I got out my genestealers and charged his robot army across an urban market. In the other we switched sides and he charged my imperial army with his termagants. (Which are actually tyranid warriors in my personal book, since I like to go as old as I can, and I don't much care for the giant skinless cage things that came with Advanced Space Crusade. And the first termagant models say tyranid on their tabs for some reason.)

Anyway, the thing I really want to do now is to stitch games together into a campaign that makes a story. I embody that line at the beginning of Rogue Trader where you get to make your own stories with oppressive galactic empires and wild-eyed space rebels. There's some Rogue Trader in it, but . . . surprisingly little past some of the miniatures in the end. (I want my own universe. And I use a mishmash of rules mostly not from GW at all. Though the bulk of my soldiers are Citadel, at least.)

I want to be Padre in space. Sort of. Ridley Lucas McLeckie-Bujold.