Dredded Led
Greetings all Oldhammererz! During the Xmas break I took time to expand on something I'm developing myself for Fantasy Battle tabletop scenery which I'm currently just trialing for FREE for anybody that wants to take up the challenge of assembling! All you need is; an A4 printer, some decent 250-300gsm paper, PVA or Woodglue, some scissors and finally 'some craft skills' and you're off! I have already made kits for several buildings and if you're interested you can contact me and I'll send you the full resolution files via email or Wetransfer. First up, of course, is the highly important local pub 'The Green Dragon Tavern'. This building has a nice overhanging front gable and comes complete with a nice overhanging pair of....anywayy!
Let me know if you're interested!
Yours truly
Let me know if you're interested!
Yours truly