Warpfire Thrower Team, old(ish)


Oldhammer, I think. But for me, a new technique. Acrylics, not enamels. And a dip/wash not black lining cartoon style. I think it works well.


Just need the antishine varnish to actually do what it says on the label.


Looks cool! Never used dip... I think I'm worried about the sheen (bad enough with some of the modern washes), but if you're coming from Enamels, I guess that's not a worry.

On that point, I'm kind of curious how your acrylic-painted minis are blending with your enamel-painted collection? Quite the re-learning process!


It's a challenge. I am still, nearly two years in, learning and experimenting. Like the alchemical Elixir of Life, I feel I am close to the breakthrough but it is forever just out of my grasp! The wash works on certain models, and I am close to effectively hiding the glossy sheen. My old technique might work in acrylics if I use base colours over a black enamel undercoat. But ... that still means using some enamels.

BTW, I say 'dip' and it can be used like that, but I am brushing the stuff on rather than actually dipping.