Old Man Paints Wargames Miniatures Painted – April 2024

Blog: Old Man Paints – Oldhammer Wargaming Figures
Owner: OldManPaints
Author: Tideswellman / Old Man Paints
Post: Wargames Miniatures Painted – April 2024

Ok, so April 2024 was a reasonable month for painting, for me at least. whilst I didn’t finish loads, I certainly did paint a far bit and more than I have in ages.

First up, I finished the Troll, he’s been hanging around forever and now, thank God, he’s done. Out of all the trolls in this set, I really didn’t enjoy this one. something about his position….now he’s painted up, he doesn’t look too bad.

Diehard – Chaos and Undeads
Then I got a load of stuff from Diehard Miniatures and that is part of a plan I have cooking so can’t say too much yet.

Dark future – Diecasts
The ‘Dark Future’ cars aren’t recent but I realised I’d never photographed them. they are a bit crap really but hey ho I was about 14 when I painted them, I’m 50 now.





Majorette – Dark Future van

Majorette Jag E Type


Skull Crusher WIP – Top Secret

C27 Slave Ogre


Skull Crusher – Goblin Trebuchet
I was sent a Goblin Skull Crusher by Paul(a) from Instagram because I already had half the crew from somewhere. *I think I bought the skull crusher as a lad but couldn’t assemble it back then, due to limited tools and funds. So I’d gotten rid, keeping a couple of the figures. Anyhow, over the years I’d acquired the other 2 dudes and now I’ve put the gang back together. You’ll get to see it….but not till it’s finished – it’s at about 80% right now.

C27 Slave Ogre and half-Orc handlers
Then finally slapped some paint on the C27 slave ogre. He’s another I have had for ages. My mate from back home sent him to me and I’ve never gotten around to painting him. I bought his half-orc handlers on eBay a couple of years ago..

Gobbledigook Miniature
I always enjoyed reading Gobbledigook in white Dwarf when I was a yoof, never knew there was a mini till recently, then when I finally got him….I realised (after the strip jar) that someone had broken his arm off and Greenstuffed/Milliputted one on. Not to worry. I have managed to make a new arm and I copied Paul Cubins’ paint job. Pauls is way better…but I’m not too fussed it’s just a bit of a sketch really.

Kaleb Daark
Years ago I had a Kaleb Daark miniature. I really had no idea what the hell he was, I just liked his bad-ass look and his bulging eye. Must have inspired Mad-eye-moody. Anyhoo..he was painted up a bit weird like and then when I came back to the hobby in 2018 I struck up a few online connections, one of whom I traded a few figures with. I traded a Hrothyogg Ogre for Kaleb, only to realise what I’d done later. To cut a long story short…I’ve re-acquired a version of Kaley…also the mounted version so crisis averted.

Yeah, so that’s it…I did put paint on a to of other stuff too but nothing else was completed. Expect to see a bunch of Jes Goodwin Ogres next. If you liked this article do please like or leave a comment. It heps me to know if I’m on the right track.

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Kaleb Daark
Years ago I had a Kaleb Daark miniature. I really had no idea what the hell he was, I just liked his bad-ass look and his bulging eye. Must have inspired Mad-eye-moody. Anyhoo..he was painted up a bit weird like and then when I came back to the hobby in 2018 I struck up a few online connections, one of whom I traded a few figures with. I traded a Hrothyogg Ogre for Kaleb, only to realise what I’d done later. To cut a long story short…I’ve re-acquired a version of Kaley…also the mounted version so crisis averted.

Yeah, so that’s it…I did put paint on a to of other stuff too but nothing else was completed. Expect to see a bunch of Jes Goodwin Ogres next. If you liked this article do please like or leave a comment. It heps me to know if I’m on the right track.

Dont Just sit there – take action:

Follow me on Instagram if that’s your thing: https://www.instagram.com/oldmanpaints/
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