[Warfork Fantasy Battles] New Year's resolutions 2025 - The Battle for Arduthrond Glade

[Warfork Fantasy Battles] New Year's resolutions 2025 - The Battle for Arduthrond Glade

It is the time for the New Year's resolutions. Mine for 2025 ist to get Battle for Arduthrond Glade done.

What is that?

Well, it is a throwback in time for me, to my start of Warhammer, and then even a bit before that.

Let me explain.

I started playing miniature wargames (excluding a couple of games of Epic Space Marines and Space Hulk at friends places, which brought me into contact with the hobby in the first place), when I got the Warhammer 4e boxed set for Christmas in 1992. The Battle for Maugthrond Pass (as published in a leaflet in that box set) is a well known battle from Grom the Paunch's invasion of the High Elf Realm of Ulthuan, a key battle of his march towards the great city of Tor Yvresse.

I think we never played that actual scenario back in the day, but I flipped through that leaflet again about 2 years ago, and had the sudden urge to re-live (well live for the first time, actually, as we never played it) that scenario which stands for my beginning in the hobby.

I am very good at making plans, scouring the internet for miniature ressources etc. so I quickly had a list of stuff I needed.

But I was playing Warfork Fantasy Battles now, my modified version of 3e Warhammer Fantasy Battles. So I designed the two forces of the scenario using the 3e core rules only, not Warhammer 3e Armies and slighty adjusted my list.

For most of the miniatures I wanted to use the ones from Mirliton because:

  • all metal models - old school vibe

  • using minis from non-GW sources to play Warhammer - old school vibe

  • need to get some miniatures from other manufacturers as they don't cover all my needs - old school vibe

  • need to do some conversion - old school vibe

Because my wife was asking me about that time what I wished for for Christmas, I provided her with the Mirliton list. And when she can do one thing good in my hobby, it is ordering stuff from lists I provide her with. And she is very generous, too, she just ordered everything (which is not detracted from by her saying "You would be buying all that crap anyways.").

The rest of what I needed comes from Reaper Miniatures, Knightmare Miniatures and the bolt thrower even from Games Workshop themselves; the chariot I am planning on scratchbuilding from wood.

So I got all the stuff for two years now. But there was always something else high up on the priority list (still is in fact).

With setting this project as my new year's resolution, I have something I can fail against, which I don't like to do, so I hope this will finally make me start on this project.

I am putting the finishing touches on the scenario details, so that will be posted in the coming days, too. It is basically a shameless copy of Nigel Stillman's 4th edition classic, ported back to 3rd edition force lists and with renamed characters and places.

Well, that amount of minis should be managable within one year, right...?


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