[Warfork Fantasy Battles] Bash 'em Stunties once mo'!


This is a 1:1 refight (well, at least the battlefield and force composition) of Warfork Fantasy Battles - Bash 'em Stunties!. With Michael's gained experience from that game, the only real change was that deployment wasn't done by me, but by each player for his force.

Back in his time, Gurbat was a great commander, wreaking havoc among his enemies, being a savvy stretegist (as far as that applies to Orcs...) and knowing the rules of war by heart. But many years passed, he got hung up in his village life, had to take care of an Orc pub and just did not make it to any battles no more.

That would change today. He had gathered a small batallion, including Zriglom, a Goblin shaman, and set off to do battle just for the sake of doing battle.

Unfortunate Trirdac Grumblefoot, a young, totally inexperienced dwarf commander, found himself being chosen as Gurbat's opponent - well, it was coincidence that he happened to be in the path of Gurbat's batallion with his Dwarven force.

The two batallions were lined up, and the bloodletting was about to commence.
Dwarf Batallion [999 points]

1 × Trirdac Grumblefoot, Level 15 hero 'warforger' — Commander [134 points]


Hand Weapon, double-handed weapon, shield, heavy armour

8 × Hammerers [160 points]


+4 shock elite, hand weapon, double-handed weapon, shield, heavy armour, standard bearer, musician

16 × Warriors — Blue Company [198 points]


hand weapon, light armour, shield, standard bearer, musician

16 × Warriors — Red Company [198 points]


hand weapon, light armour, shield, standard bearer, musician

9 × Crossbowmen — Orange Detachment [117 points]


hand weapon, crossbow, light armour

9 × Crossbowmen — Grey Detachment [117 points]


hand weapon, crossbow, light armour

1 × Light Cannon [75 points]


3 crew, hand weapon, light armour
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Orc & Goblin Batallion [1,001.5 points]

1 × Gurbat, Level 15 hero 'hacker' — Commander [92 points]


hand weapon, double-handed weapon, light armour

1 × Zriglom, Level 10 Wïzard 'dung-talker' — Shaman [58 points]


hand weapon, magïck level 1, magïck power level 6D6, 6 level 1 spells, Winds of Magïck 1D6+1 & 1D6+1, B1.6 — Fireball, B1.3 — Cure light injury, B1.7 — Flight, B1.11 — Leg breaking, B1.4 — Dispirit, E1.2 — Blinding Flash

16 × Orc Boyz — Slasherz [153 points]


hand weapon, shield, light armour, standard bearer, musician

10 × Orc Arrer Boyz — Skull Piercas [96 points]


hand weapon, bow, shield, standard bearer, musician

10 × Orc Arrer Boyz — Heart Stickas [96 points]


hand weapon, bow, shield, standard bearer, musician

20 × Goblins — Burnin' Moonerz [167 points]


hand weapon, short bow, shield, standard bearer, musician, 3 × fanatic

20 × Goblin Stickas — Eeevil Eyez [167 points]


hand weapon, short bow, standard bearer, musician, 3 × fanatic

2 × Trolls - Dumbsterz [130 points]


1 × Orc Stone Thrower — Boulda Lobba [42.5 points]


3 crew, hand weapon, light armour
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This game we set up the forces according to the rules (lowest MOV first, houserule engines of war before other units). So Michael placed his cannon, then Matthias his stone thrower, then Michael all the Dwarven units (highest MOV@3), and finally Matthias all the Greenskins (lowest MOV@3.5).


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Bout 1

Turn 1.1 - Dwarves

Turn Start Phase

No events.

Movement Phase

All unit except the Grey Crossbow Detachment and the Light Cannon advanced.

Ranged Combat Phase

The Light Cannon crew aligned the barrel with Gurbat, the Orc commander. Michael guessed 38", the dice roll added 10" to that and thus was out of the gaming area.

Hand-to-hand Combat Phase

No events.

Reserves Phase

All unit except the Grey Crossbow Detachment and the Light Cannon continued their advance.

Magïck Phase

No events.

Rally Phase

No events.

Turn End Phase


Turn 1.2 - Orcs & Goblins

Turn Start Phase

The Dumbsterz had a good start, and passed their stupidity test. No mean feat, with trolls having CLN@6 only.

The Heart Stickas failed their animosity test, and had to shoot those Skull Piercas who gave them a wrong glare into their backs. "Who do dey fink dey are?!"

The same feeling was shared by the Eeevil Eyez, who also decided to send some arrows their way. "Who do 'em fink gobbos are 'fraid of...? We'll show 'em!"

Movement Phase

All units except the Heart Stickas and the Boulda Lobba surged forward.

Ranged Combat Phase

The Heart Stickas acted out their animosity on the Skull Piercas' backs. Three had a fire arc out of which two hit and one wounded. Loosing one of their numbers was more than deserved by those dorks!

From the Eeevil Eyez, only one gobbo could draw a fire arc but missed. "Ha-ha", the Orcs shouted, "dis shows dey are shakin' in fear of us, can't even shoot an arro' straight, dose wimps!"

The Heart Piercas sent their arrows the Orange Crossbow Detachment's way, caused one hit, but did not wound.

The Boulda Lobba targeted the Blue Company, but the boulder deviated off the unit.

Hand-to-hand Combat Phase

No events.

Reserves Phase

All units except the Heart Stickas and the Boulda Lobba continued their advance.

Magïck Phase

The Winds of Magïck provided 13 power and 5 dispel dice.

Unfortunately, Zriglom, the goblin shaman, did not pass his Waaagh! test, and the resulting My 'ead 'urts! result prevented him from any spell casting.

Rally Phase

No events.

Turn End Phase

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Bout 2

Turn 2.1 - Dwarves

Turn Start Phase

No events.

Movement Phase

The Red Company wheeled towards their left, to advance towards the center of the battlefield, where the mass of greenskins was attacking.

The Hammerers and the Blue Company advanced as well.

Ranged Combat Phase

The Light Cannon crew corrected their aim and landed their shot closer (guessing 20" and rolling for an additional 9"), which only slighty overshot the intended target of Gurbat's boyz. The 5" long bouncing area unfortunately was empty of enemies (see two green dice):

The Orange Crossbow Detachment sent their quarrels also towards the Slasherz, managed to hit with three, which caused two wounds which were not saved.

The Grey Crossbow Detachment joined in, but only a couple had the orc unit in their fire arc, and those few missed.

Hand-to-hand Combat Phase

No events.

Reserves Phase

The dwarves continued their advance. The Blue Company triggered three fanatics which were hiding in the Burnin' Moonerz unit.

The fanatics were pushed forwards, and rolled for an initial movement of 6", 9" and 8", which meant two made contact. They caused seven hits of which six wounded and smashed dwarves to pulp.

The Blue Company passed their rout test.

Magïck Phase

No events.

Rally Phase

No events.

Turn End Phase


Turn 2.2 - Orcs & Goblins

Turn Start Phase

The Dumbsterz talked among themselves:

"Oi, did ya see da squirrel in them woods?"

"Uh, a squirrel? Me kinda hungry..."

"Yeah, me too, An' dem squirrels tastes much betta den dose stunties."

Both looked intently to make sure there was some potential food there. (They failed their stupidity test.)

Only the Heart Stickas needed to take an animosity test, which they passed.

The fanatics continued to spin accross the area, but did not make contact with any unit.

Movement Phase

The Heart Stickas advanced down the hill.

The Eeevil Eyez moved forwards, and pushed their fanatics towards the Hammerers. Unfortunately, they only advanced 4", 5" and 7", and thus failed to make contact. Probably low on fungi drugs, these fanatics...

The Skull Piercas turned 90°, moved up to wood, then passed their LDS test to turn again 90° to face the dwarves again.

Ranged Combat Phase

The leader of the Boulda Lobba ordered his boyz to hurl a boulder 24", which made it land right in middle of the Blue Company.

The template caused seven hits, of which six wounded and could not be saved. The dwarves valiantly passed their rout test.

The Heart Stickas sent their arrows while advancing towards the Red Company and even managed to cause 1 hit, but that hastily sent arrow lacked the needed punch to penetrate the dwarves thick skin.

The Eeevil Eyes used their shortbows to extinguish the survivors of the Blue Company, but the two pins that hit did not wound either.

The Skull Piercas also attacked the Blue Company, but missed with all shots.

Hand-to-hand Combat Phase

No events.

Reserves Phase

The Heart Stickas continued their advance, as did the Skull Piercas, who entered the wood.

The rest of the greenskins did not want to move closer to the whirling lunatics in front of them.

Magïck Phase

Zriglom, the goblin shaman, just was not up to his job. He failed the second Waaagh! test in a row, this time scoring a 'eadbang! result. After the actually quite impressive and colourful spectacle of Magïck energy pouring out his eyes, ears, nose and mouth, he slumbed to the floor, dead.

Rally Phase

No events.

Turn End Phase

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Bout 3

Turn 3.1 - Dwarves

Turn Start Phase

No events.

Movement Phase

The Red Company continued to march towards the center of the battlefield. The Orange Crossbow Detachment moved towards the hill in front of them. The Hammerers and the Blue Company, similar to the greenskins before, did not dare to move out of fear of getting in the way of the fanatics.

Ranged Combat Phase

Having overshot the Slasherz every time during this battle, the crew pf the Light Cannon choose their powder load a bit more conservatively this time - resulting in the shot falling short! (10" & 3" + 8", see two green dice in the following picture)

The Grey Crossbow Detachment targeted the fanatic closest to the wood in front of the Hammerers, to protect their brethren from its dangerous ball. Only one of the five dwarves hit the goblin, but failed to wound.

Hand-to-hand Combat Phase

No events.

Reserves Phase

Both, the Red Company and the Orange Detachment, moved forward, the Orange Detachment climbing the hill.

Magïck Phase

No events.

Rally Phase

No events.

Turn End Phase


Turn 3.2 - Orcs & Goblins

Turn Start Phase

"Ok, now I saw da squirrel, too!"

"Told ya! Let's move out, me is starvin'."

The Dumbsterz agreed to have seen a squirrel in the woods, and set of to chase the squirrel down.

The Heart Stickas once more failed their animosity test, and decided to educate the Skull Piercas a not more about their standing in the batallion, by sending some more arrows to enforce the message.

One fanatic moved through the Skull Piercas, two of which did not manage to dogde the whirling ball.

The rest of the fanatics whirled around in their unpredictable fashion, but did not make any contact.

Movement Phase

The Burnin' Moonerz declared a charge into the Orange Detachment's flank, while the Slasherz declared a charge on the remnants of the Blue Company.

The gobbos rolled for a charge range of 10" and were able to make contact, while the Orcs only rolled for a charge range of 2"! They wheeled backwards 1", passing the required LDS test, to not move through the ball & chain of the fanatic in front of them, and then charged their remaining 1". As that was way less than they would have needed to make contact, this constituted a failed charge and thus the Slasherz became unformed.

Ranged Combat Phase

The crew of the Boulda Lobba did an excellent job by estimating a range of 26" on the Hammerers, which would have sent the boulder right into their midst. Unfortunately, the clumsy orc loading the bolder slipped and let it fall on his foot, the resulting ruckus amongs the crew resulted in no bolder being lobbed this turn.

The Heart Stickas disciplinary action on the Skull Piercas did not cause any hits.

The Skull Piercas (either unfaced by the arrows sent at their back, of oblivious to the fact theat their were the intended target), sent their own arrows towards the Blue Company. They managed three hits and caused one wound, which the dwarves did not manage to save. But the stubborn dwarves again passed their rout test.

Hand-to-hand Combat Phase

Short of making contact with the dwarves, the Burnin' Moonerz threw their javelins, all of which flew wide of their targets, though. In the ensuring hand-to-hand combat, the gobbos were very efficient, by causing exactly one hit which killed its victin. The dwarves in return caused two hits, but failed to wound.

The combat result was 7:0 for the goblins.

This time, the dwarves failed their rout test and turned to flee. The goblins caused another wound in the free hack, wich was saved, though, by the dwarf's armour. The goblins then managed to stay in contact, and killed another dwarf from the ensuing free hack.

The Blue Company had to take yet another rout test, seeing their battle brethren flee, but again passed it. They might be loosing men, but not their nerves!

Reserves Phase

The two units of Arrer Boyz advanced.

Magïck Phase

No events.

Rally Phase

No events.

Turn End Phase

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Bout 4

Turn 4.1 - Dwarves

Turn Start Phase

No events.

Movement Phase

Both the Red Company and the Blue Company advanced.

The Orange Detachment fled the field; the goblins, in hot pursuit, stopped at the table edge.

Ranged Combat Phase

The cannon crew again tried to hit the Slasherz, guessing 13" plus a dice roll of 6" (which placed the cannon ball close to the front of the target unit), and then plunged the ball 3" forward, hitting two orcs! But the ball had already lost most of its power and did not cause any wounds... The crew was quite sweaty by now, as the gun built up a lot of heat, which now radiated from the engine of war.

The Grey Crossbow Detachment attacked the Skull Stickas advancing towards them, and caused three hits and two dead.

Hand-to-hand Combat Phase

No events.

Reserves Phase

The Red Company moved up behind the Hammerers.

Magïck Phase

No events.

Rally Phase

No events.

Turn End Phase


Turn 4.2 - Orcs & Goblins

Turn Start Phase

The Dumbsterz were really tired, chasing a squirrel while already very hungry was very taxing on them. They laid down at the wood's edge to take a little nap...

The next moments were very tense, again, as the fanatics did their thing - which could be good or bad for both sides...

The first fanatic moved more or less parallel to the Eeevil Eyez rear, a couple degrees to the left, and he would have hit them.

The next fanatic, though, whirled through the Eeevil Eyez from their front, but luckily only caused one hit, could have meant more dead gobbos...

The fanatics seemed to be going for greenskins, rather than stunties, this turn, as the next whirled into the Skull Piercas (two dead, the unit passed its rout test), before strangling him on his own chain when he got tangled up in the wood.

The next fanatic moved towards the dwarven artillery, but did not reach it.

The Grey Crossbow Detachment suffered five hits and four dead from the fanatic careening into them. Being stout dwarves, they of course passed their rout test.

The last fanatic wheeled off the field.

Movement Phase

The Burnin' Moonerz reformed at the edge of the battlefield in the wood, having chased off the cowardly dwarven crossbows.

The Slasherz reformed after their failed charge last turn.

The Eeevil Eyez turned 90°, moved forward, and turned 90° again in their original facing.

Both Arrer Boyz units advanced again.

Ranged Combat Phase

The Boulda Lobba were done laughing at their comrade's swollen foot, and sent the next boulder exactly between the Red Company and the Hammerers, from where it deviated onto the Red Company:

Three of the dwarves were squashed by the boulder.

The Heart Stickas reataliated upon the Grey Detachment for having skewered some of their numbers, causing one hit that also killed.

The Eeevil Eyez targeted the Blue Company, but with all their manoeuvring they only managed to hit with one badly placed arrow that did not even wound.

Hand-to-hand Combat Phase

No events.

Reserves Phase

Again, both Arrerz units closed with the enemy.

Magïck Phase

No events.

Rally Phase

No events.

Turn End Phase

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Bout 5

Turn 5.1 - Dwarves

Turn Start Phase

No events.

Movement Phase

The last three survivors of the once proud Blue Company heroically charged the Slasherz.

The Red Company turned 90° towards the wood, in order not to get charged into their flank by the Skull Piercas who had worked their way through the wood by now.

The Hammerers advanced to support the Blue Company.

Ranged Combat Phase

The cannon crew had to search for a new target, as their previous one, the Slasherz, were now in hand-to-hand combat with the Blue Company. They choose to rotate their muzzle towards the Heart Stickas, and calculated the powder charge for 13". The dice added another 2", and the cannon ball then bounced 9", through the intended target. The orcs suffered one dead. The cannon was on four heat points now...

The Grey Crossbow Detachment also targeted the Heart Stickas, hit them thrice and killed another two orcs.

The Heart Stickas had to take a rout test, which they failed! The unit fled towards where they'd come from.

Hand-to-hand Combat Phase

The Blue Company caused two two hits against the Slasherz, but failed to wound. The orcs in return killed one dwarf.

The combat result was 4:2 for the orcs.

With a dice score of eleven, the Blue Company failed their first rout test of the game. Before they could even start to flee, the orcs slaughtered the last two dwarves with free hacks.

The rout test the Hammerers and Red Company had to take were both passed.

Reserves Phase

No events.

Magïck Phase

No events.

Rally Phase

No events.

Turn End Phase


Turn 5.2 - Orcs & Goblins

Turn Start Phase

The Dumbsterz were still exhausted and took another nap... stupid trolls.

The fanatics whirled all over the place without any effect.

Only the fanatic that wreaked havoc amongst the Grey Company last turn continued to smash the dwarves to pulp, this time killing 3, which left only one alive. That one dwarf of course passed his rout test.

Movement Phase

Both, the Slasherz led by Gurbat, as well as the Eeevil Eyez charged the Hammerers.

The Skull Piercas moved backward into the wood, not wanting to charge the larger dwarf unit in front of them, nor wanting to get charged by them.

Ranged Combat Phase

The Boulda Lobba's crew had their boulders dialed in now, hitting the Red Company dead center and having no deviation either.

The dwarves lost another six of their number, but passed their rout test.

Hand-to-hand Combat Phase

In the grand hand-to-hand combat, things happened as follows:

  1. Gurbat caused two hits, which both wounded, and thanks to his double-handed weapon were not saved.

  2. Only one orc of his unit managed to make contact, who hit but did not wound.

  3. The goblins missed with all their attacks.

  4. Grumblefoot easily cut two orcs in half.

  5. The Hammerers caused three hits, which resulted in three dead on the Eeevil Eyez. They also killed two orcs.

The combat result was 8:6 for the greenskins.

The dwarves passed their rout test, and were pushed back 2". The orcs and goblins moved more models into contact while following-up.

Reserves Phase

No events.

Magïck Phase

No events.

Rally Phase

The Heart Stickas tried to rally, but did not succeed.

Turn End Phase

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Bout 6

Turn 6.1 - Dwarves

Turn Start Phase

No events.

Movement Phase

The Red Company charged the Eeevil Eyez into their flank. Due to the distance and the slowing wood, they only could bring two models into contact.

Ranged Combat Phase

The crew of the Light Cannon again switched targets, this time trying to neutralize the enemy engine of war, which had caused considerable damage so far. Due to the built up heat, though, the powder ignited prematurely, blowing up the cannon and all its crew members!

The Grey Crossbow Detachment's lone survivor targeted the fanatic, which had decimated his comrades, even hit him, but the bolt was brushed aside by the whirling ball.

Hand-to-hand Combat Phase

The events in the now even bigger hand-to-hand combat in the center unfolded as follows:

  1. The Red Company could bring two attacks to bear, of which one hit and killed a goblin.

  2. The Eeevil Eyez managed no hits against the Hammerers.

  3. The Slasherz managed to land two blows, of which one wounded a hammerer who was not saved by his armour.

  4. Gurbat again swung his double-handed axe at the Hammerers and killed one of the dwarves with one of his two hits.

  5. One Hammerer attacked the goblins and even hit with one of his two attacks, but failed to wound.

  6. Grumblefoot directed his attacks at Gurbat himself, hit him three times, but failed to cause a single wound!

The combat result was 11:5 for the greenskins.

The Red Company had enough and routed. The Eeevil Eyez caused another wound with their free hacks, which was saved by the dwarves' light armour, though. The dwarves fled 9", while the goblins only pursued 8", thus ending the pursuit and leaving the goblin unit unformed.

The Hammerers also failed their rout test, and Gurbat caused two wounds on Grumblefoot in the free hack. The dwarves then fled 5", which the orcs matched in their pursuit, and in the second free hack Gurbat cut Grumblefoot in half.

Reserves Phase

No events.

Magïck Phase

No events.

Rally Phase

No events.

Turn End Phase


Turn 6.2 - Orcs & Goblins

Turn Start Phase

The Dumbsterz were really tired (and stupidly confused...) from all the naps and watching for squirrels, so they had to sleep for a bit now.

One of the fanatics killed himself by smashing into a fence.

The other fanatics whirled around relentlessly, but did not cause any damage.

Movement Phase

The Heart Stickas fled the field.

Ranged Combat Phase

The Boulda Lobba took aim at the last survivor of the Grey Crossbow Detachment. Not only did they miss, the boulder also deviated.

Hand-to-hand Combat Phase

No events.

Reserves Phase

No events.

Magïck Phase

No events.

Rally Phase

No events.

Turn End Phase

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The game was tremendous fun, even for Michael. Slowly, he gets the hang of the general concepts behind the rules. Next game we will add unit champions, perhaps batallion standard bearers. Especially those stupid trolls need some CLN booster; while they were the best greenskin unit in the last game (miraculously passing all but of their tests), this game they were utterly useless.

And Michael needs to stop charging forward with his crossbows ;)

I hope you enjoyed reading the report as much as we had fun playing the game.


I must say I really enjoy the style of your battle reports, it looks like you guys are having a great time. I like the little narrative bits you put in the descriptions of the action.

Could you comment at all on the rules you are using? It looks like mostly 3rd ed, with bits of other editions laid on. Fleeing and persuing are random? How is magic working?

thanks, sorry for the threadomancy

I must say I really enjoy the style of your battle reports,
Nice to know the effort I put into creating the reports is worth it :)

Could you comment at all on the rules you are using? It looks like mostly 3rd ed, with bits of other editions laid on. Fleeing and persuing are random? How is magic working?

The rules we use I termed Warfork Fantasy Battles, still a work in progess. Here some excerpts:

What the Fork

The word »fork« has been used to mean »to divide in branches, go separate ways« as early as the 14th century.

In software engineering, a project fork happens when developers take a copy of source code from one software package and start independent development on it, creating a distinct and separate piece of software. The term often implies not merely a development branch, but also a split in the developer community; as such, it is a form of schism. Reasons for forking are varying user preferences and stagnated or discontinued development of the original software.

This document is also a fork, in the sense that the basis is Warhammer Fantasy Battles, ed. 3. Rules, troop types, etc. from other editions and completely other rule sets have been added (mainly from Warhammer Fantasy Battles, ed. 4), and original rules not liked have been removed or modified; thus making Warfork Fantasy Battles a distinct and separate game.

Warfork Fantasy Battles is created from:

  • Warhammer Fantasy Battles, ed. 3
  • Warhammer Fantasy Battles, ed. 2
  • Warhammer Fantasy Battles, ed. 4
  • Warhammer Fantasy Battles, ed. 6, Warhammer Fantasy Battles, ed. 7 and Warhammer Fantasy Battles, ed. 8 (Winds of Magïck)
  • Stargrunt II
  • Our own ideas, preferences and experience

Charge Range / Fleeing / Pursuing

In Warhammer Fantasy Battles, ed. 3 - Warhammer Fantasy Battles, ed. 7 charging was a sure thing, the player just had to estimate the range correctly. A bit of randomness would suit my taste.

Stargrunt II knows two movement types for grunts: normal movement (a fixed distance) and combat movement (a random distance). If normal movement is 6”, combat movement is 2D6”. A player can take the chance to use combat movement and cover twice as much ground as normal, or only 2” (grunts running and stepping in pot holes, tripping over branches, etc.)

Warhammer Fantasy Battles, ed. 8 introduced a variable charge range of 2D6 + MOV. This is too generic for my taste, with every being having the same random factor assigned.

In Warhammer Fantasy Battles, ed. 3 a human on foot (MOV@4, charge 8”) never could charge as far as a human on a horse (MOV@8, charge 16”).

In Warhammer Fantasy Battles, ed. 8 the extreme is the human on foot charging MOV@4 + 2D6=12” for a total of 16”; while the mounted human would charge MOV@8 + 2D6=2” for a total of 10”

With an average 2D6 result of 7, in Warhammer Fantasy Battles, ed. 8 the human on foot charges 11” and the mounted human 15”. That is only half the difference in charge range than in Warhammer Fantasy Battles, ed. 3.

Warfork Fantasy Charge Range

Charging is not as predictable as normal manoeuvres. The beings go all-out, are exited or frightened due to the ensuing violence. They might trip or get hung up in vegetation, stumble into each other, etc. Therefore we shall introduce a random element to the charge range based on the chargers movement Characteristic.

Fractional MOV Characteristics (like MOV@3.5) are rounded down, but raise one dice type.

An Orc with MOV@4 wearing a shield and light armour, has his movement reduced to MOV@3.5.
The charge range is therefore looked up in the table as for MOV@3, which yields 3” + 2D3.
One of the two D3 is raised to a D4, so the final charge range of that Orc is 3” + 1D3 + 1D4.

Being's Movement​
Being's Charge Range​
Min. Charge Range​
Mean Charge Range​
Max. Charge Range​
fixed 3”​
2” + 2D2​
3” + 2D3​
4” + 2D4​
5” + 1D4 + 1D6​
6” + 2D6​
7” + 1D6 + 1D8​
8” + 2D8​
9” + 1D8 + 1D10​
10” + 2D10​

The actual maximum charge range is rolled for, when a player starts moving the charging unit in the movement phase, so after charges have been declared.

Potential Charge Range – Whenever the rules ask for something to happen, if a unit is in another's unit charge range, or of something is in the unit's own charge range, consider the charge range to be the mean as shown in the table above. Regardless of this value, when a charge actually happens, even if triggered by this potential charge range, the actual charge range is diced for.

Magïck Phase

1 – Roll for Winds of Magïck

At the start of each magïck phase, the casting player determines the strength of the Winds of Magïck.

To determine this magïck phase's Winds of Magïck, roll one dice per wïzard on the active player's side. The dice type is determined by each wïzard's Intelligence Characteristic.

1D2-1 & 1D2-1​
1D3+1 & 1D3+1​
1D4+1 & 1D4+1​
1D6+1 & 1D6+1​
1D8+1 & 1D8+1​

The result of each roll is handled as follows:

Casting Limit

The wïzard is using his reservoir of magïck points to cast his spells, but he must manage to create an interference of his personal power with the Winds of Magïck to manifest his spells; as described above, their potency is waxing and waning.

The sum of the two dice is the maximum number of magïck points the wïzard can spend this magïck phase. Place a corresponding number of counters besides the model.

Dispel Potential

When wïzards reach for the Winds of Magïck, this can be felt by other wïzards, who can try to alter the frequencies of the Winds of Magïck ever so slightly to disturb the interference the caster is trying to establish. By its very nature, disrupting magïck energy is far more difficult than casting a spell with one's innate magïck points, so a player's dispel potential will almost always be smaller than his opposite's casting potential. At least in the early stages of a battle.

The higher score of the two dice rolled (including any modifiers) is added to the passive player's »Dispel Pool«. Place an appropriate number of counters in front of the inactive player.

2 – Cast

One wïzard may cast one spell.

Spending Magïck Points

After checking the casting number, the player decides how many magïck points the wïzard spends to cast the spell.

  • The maximum number is equal to the result of the Winds of Magïck dice roll for this wïzard
  • The maximum number is also limited by the current magïck points total the wïzard still has.
Each magïck point spent is deducted from the counters available to the wïzard as rolled for during 1 – Roll for Winds of Magïck
and provides the player with 1D(avg) for the casting attempt.

Roll Casting dice

These D(avg) are then rolled, and the scores added up. To the total, the magïck level of the casting wïzard is added to get the final casting score. The score is needed during dispelling, so leave the rolled dice with the wïzard for later reference.

Casting Result

If the number of D(avg) that score a 2 is higher than the magïck level of the wïzard, a Miscast happened.
The spell does not take effect, even if the total would be sufficient to cast the spell. The spent magïck points are not regained.
This is a case of Broken Concentration.
Casting the spell fails when either
  • the casting score is lower than the casting number
  • the total of the natural dice scores (before adding the magïck level) is less than 4.
The spell does not take effect, even if the total would be sufficient to cast the spell. The spent magïck points are not regained.
This is a case of Broken Concentration.
If the casting score is equal to or higher than the casting number, the casting attempt succeeds.
The opposing player may try a Dispel attempt, see 3 – Dispel.
If no dispel is attempted by the opposing player or the dispel attempt fails, the spell takes effect, see 4 – Spell Resolution.
Total Power
If the number of D(avg) that score a 5 is higher than [6 - magïck level of the wïzard], the spell is cast with Total Power.

3 – Dispel

If the wïzard was able to cast his spell (and it was not cast with Total Power) the opposing player now has a chance to prevent the spell's effects by attempting to dispel it.

Choose Number of Dispel dice

When dispelling, a wïzard can use any number of dispel dice, up to the value of his intelligence Characteristic.

When creating magïckal turmoil, the maximum number of dispel dice is equal to the lowest INT of all the wïzards on the dispelling side, minus 1.

If the dispelling side does not have any wïzards (anymore), causing magïckal turmoil has a maximum of [10 - lowest INT of all the wïzards on the casting side].

Rolling Dispel dice

The number of dice chosen are taken from the player's dispel pool and rolled. The results are added together, and then added to the dispelling wïzard's Magïck level to give a dispel result, exactly as if he were casting a spell.

If magïckal turmoil is created, only the dice scores are added up.

Dispel Result

Dispelling the spell fails when either
  • the dispel result is lower than the spell's casting score (not the spell's casting number, but the actual casting score of the casting wïzard)
  • the total of the natural dice scores (before adding the magïck level) is less than 4.
The spell does take effect. The spent points from the dispel pool are not regained.
This is a case of Broken Concentration for the dispelling wïzard.
A fail when trying to create magïckal turmoil has no further effect except that the dispel fails.
If the dispel result is equal to or higher than the spell's casting result (not the spell's casting number, but the actual casting score), the dispelling attempt succeeds. The spell does not take effect.
Drain magïck
If the number of D(avg) that score a 5 is higher than [7 - magïck level of the wïzard], the dispel causes a Drain Magïck result.
This result can never occur when trying to cause magïckal turmoil.

4 – Spell Resolution

If the spell was cast successfully and not dispelled, its effects are determined now as described in the spell's description. Additionally, the wizard now deducts the number of spent Winds of Magïck tokens / number of Davg rolled from his magïck points total.