wanted: pictures of painted Oldhammer skaven


1980's skaven are some of the most difficult miniatures to paint...IMO

I'm not sure where this thread should go but I need some help with painted examples. I have seen all the great rats from this forum and nicos masterpiece. I also obviously have the Andy chambers WD.

Any others I'm missing?


What parts are you finding difficult with the skaven?

I enjoyed painting my batch.


As long you have a reference for colours, I used Nico's excellent skaven, they should turn out fine. The fur isn't that textured so for me it was a base brown + Devlan Mud equivalent wash, I used Army Painter as its the same as the now defunt Devlan Mud. The skin I just painted like human skin. I have the foundry 3 tone skin set which gives you a shade colour, a base colour and a highlight. This has proved one of the best paint investments I ever made for consistent skin tones. Clothes are browns and I gave a quick highlight and a wash of something grimy. I used Secret Weapon 'sewage water' as the wash on the filthy yellow robes. I you want to rust up the weapons using pigments go right ahead. Aggro84 has a tutorial on doing that on this board and on his blog, it's well worth a read. You don't need to use pigments though as 'clean' weapons will look fine.


I already saved pics of yours. really nice job.

I think skaven are by far the toughest Oldhammer army to paint to a high standard and not just because of the number of models. Lack of fur texture like you mentioned is a problem to get nice looking models. The color pallete is also tough. It's hard to make the army pop and still use realistic tones. I almost wish the old figures had more fesh parts like the current range. It woud help brighten things up. When painting a skaven army, you run the risk of a brown blob.

The old skaven figs are charming and really cool but not necessarily the best models. Very tough to paint. Poor texture, strange robes, lots of stuff on them ...

its really hard to find high quality examples of painted saven.

Asslessman":1pbcipor said:
Aren't there a few in the warhammer armies book?

but kinda hard to see


Not in Nico's league but here are my efforts ... quick, simple scheme, bleached bone sepia wash.








There's a John Blanche guide to painting Skaven in the Citadel Journal Spring 1986. There are also some pics but the painting is very crude (I dont think they are necessarily John's work).


already had Harry's saved

I think maybe I have just about every skaven pic from the net already on my hard drive (humble brag)


For what it's worth, I saw an army (IRL not on the net) of skaven that was absolutely brilliant and very simply painted. APrts form the furs that were some sort of light greyish brown, the clothes and armor were black and red with a strong 60's "people's republic of china" look (a banner even has a shaven version of Mao portrait).
I leave the discussion of the taste of such a theme aside and my point is that it took 3 colours (apart from the metallics which were all painted in rusty steel and some warp stone here and there) to make it look stunning. If too much colors frighten you, this can be a simple way to smooth th epainting process.
Another tip to help would be to select 3 or 4 colors (complementary if possible) and to apply them randomly on all models. This helps to create a strong coherence without having 2 figures apinted the same way. some the colours can even be close. For example, the peasants of my bretonnian army are all painted in 4 colors being light brown, medium brown and dark brown and dirty white. Not two miniatures are painted the same way and yet looking at the units really gives a coherent feeling.


Red and black is definitely an option. I don't know how well it works on the old skaven thogh. It seems to look much better with the new plastics.

I might just straight up attempt to copy Andy Chambers. His army looks fantastic all together but the individual models are painted to a really low standard. It's kinda hard for me to aim for a lower level (not that my standard is even that great), but I think that might be the best option for the rats.

I'm pretty sure he primed black and dry brushed everything.

I'm pretty sure nico talked about this. The key to Andy's army was the bases, war paint, stripes, and banners. All together it looks amazing.

Now I need to improve my confidence/ability to paint freehand on robes.