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W: specific OOP Space Marines H: Other OOP Space Marines


Updated 04-APR-2014: Traded or sold some stuff, got other things in return. See below.


The Blood Angels are looking for a few good men - very specific ones, in fact! I'd like to get my hands on the following models:

I want this old beekee with a bolt pistol and chainsword. Turns out there was one more transition model I lacked after all.


Space Marine Veteran with power fist


Space Marine Veteran with power axe and plasma pistol


White Scars torso with Mk VI beekee helmet


Space Marine Chaplain with bionic face (70101/1, "Chaplain 3")


Brother-Sergeant Kallistus


White Dwarf Subscription Beekee w/ bolter and chainsword


Metal Third-Edition scouts with shotguns


Of lesser interest to me - but something we could still talk about - are:
  • BFG Space Marine escorts - metal preferred
  • Chainsaw Warrior models
  • Necromunda Van Saar, Escher, Spyrers, or Scavvies (especially the Fanatic models!)
  • The "Skulz" range of Adeptus Mechanicus models (They look cool, but are completely useless!)

In exchange, I can offer some of the models from my collection. I dug deep into my bitzbox, and, despite feeling like I didn't have anything left that I feel I could let go, I knew I had to be realistic and came up with a few things.

First Edition Blood Angels Captain with backpack cloak

Mk V "Heresy Armour" with bolt gun (070270/7)


Mk VII Captain with Terminator Honours and Power Fist


Mk VII Sergeant with Power Fist


Second Edition "Fanged" Chaplain


Mk VII Tactical Marine with meltagun


Second Edition Devastators, with your choice of weapons shown here

Re: W: specific OOP Space Marines H: Other OOP Space Marine

I am interested in your razorback turret, mk8 armour marine
I have a termie chaplain and some of the necromunda, psykers and Titan crew that you're after.