I’ve had a few old chaos models in my bits box for many years and recently decided to start a Warriors of Chaos army for a campaign starting in my local GW.
I few trades and a bit of ebaying has expanded what I have and then I discovered this website.
I’m afraid my updates will be fairly irregular as I don’t get an awful lot of time for painting what with family and all especially in the run up to Christmas when kids commitments really ramp up.
My goal is to use as much old stuff as possible to create a force that is legal and current. I will continue to slowly build this but I think it’s going to be a long term project.
I used the first few models I got painted in a Regiment of Renown one day tournament a couple of weeks ago and this is really what spurred me on to get cracking.
Group shot
And a couple of close ups
To bulk up my core units I have a number of these guys which I’m part way through painting
And finally (for now), I’ve always loved the old Dragon Ogres. The one in the middle I’ve had for years and recently traded to get a couple more to make a unit. I’ve had to rebase my original to put it on a 50x75 and I’ve based the other two to make the unit.
I’ll post more as and when I get more stuff painted
P.S. thanks to one of the twins My Chaos Lord who will be leading the army is named Lord Doomageddon the Third
I few trades and a bit of ebaying has expanded what I have and then I discovered this website.
I’m afraid my updates will be fairly irregular as I don’t get an awful lot of time for painting what with family and all especially in the run up to Christmas when kids commitments really ramp up.
My goal is to use as much old stuff as possible to create a force that is legal and current. I will continue to slowly build this but I think it’s going to be a long term project.
I used the first few models I got painted in a Regiment of Renown one day tournament a couple of weeks ago and this is really what spurred me on to get cracking.
Group shot
And a couple of close ups
To bulk up my core units I have a number of these guys which I’m part way through painting
And finally (for now), I’ve always loved the old Dragon Ogres. The one in the middle I’ve had for years and recently traded to get a couple more to make a unit. I’ve had to rebase my original to put it on a 50x75 and I’ve based the other two to make the unit.
I’ll post more as and when I get more stuff painted
P.S. thanks to one of the twins My Chaos Lord who will be leading the army is named Lord Doomageddon the Third