Amongst the chaos of project after mounting project, I'm working up a collection of fantasy/medieval civilian minis, mostly Metal Magic sculpts, for a few of reasons: 1. Metal Magic, 2. don't have enough unarmed minis for my aesthetic pleasurement, 3. they look good next to my WFB card buildings & 4. Metal Magic.
I've had a few of these for a fair few years now from when Mega Minis was still around (and I've just ordered a whole bunch more from Turnkey) and it's about time I showed them some love. Originally this first guy I'm working on was going to be the last because he'd snapped off his base at the ankle but I fixed it in about 5 minutes with some pinning and GS. He's a Metal Magic barbarian and, though armed he is, I've put him to some good use in the village...
I'm planning to get this guy done for Chico's challenge this week but I'm gonna have to start pretty soon to make the deadline! There's still some sculpting to do on the base but I'll leave that til after I reckon, it looks alright as it is at the moment, the left corner is a bit bare but I don't have enough time to sculpt a woodpile to go there like I'd planned, it can wait.
Little shot of the village at the moment:
Other inclusions into this collection of civilians is an unreleased Foundry renaissance halberdier, acting as city guard (at the moment he's guarding the door to the inn, as a Grenadier wizard (Julie Guthrie personalities range) throws his arms up in dismay as he's refused entry for not wearing the right shoes). All these minis are in desperate need of painting, the Metal Magic thief hiding in the shadows was half finished until I ruined the colours and then dropped him/her on his/her nose, yeowch. Into the dettol I guess.
More to come...
I've had a few of these for a fair few years now from when Mega Minis was still around (and I've just ordered a whole bunch more from Turnkey) and it's about time I showed them some love. Originally this first guy I'm working on was going to be the last because he'd snapped off his base at the ankle but I fixed it in about 5 minutes with some pinning and GS. He's a Metal Magic barbarian and, though armed he is, I've put him to some good use in the village...
I'm planning to get this guy done for Chico's challenge this week but I'm gonna have to start pretty soon to make the deadline! There's still some sculpting to do on the base but I'll leave that til after I reckon, it looks alright as it is at the moment, the left corner is a bit bare but I don't have enough time to sculpt a woodpile to go there like I'd planned, it can wait.
Little shot of the village at the moment:

Other inclusions into this collection of civilians is an unreleased Foundry renaissance halberdier, acting as city guard (at the moment he's guarding the door to the inn, as a Grenadier wizard (Julie Guthrie personalities range) throws his arms up in dismay as he's refused entry for not wearing the right shoes). All these minis are in desperate need of painting, the Metal Magic thief hiding in the shadows was half finished until I ruined the colours and then dropped him/her on his/her nose, yeowch. Into the dettol I guess.
More to come...