• You are 100% responsible for your own trades, both buying and selling.

    Please note that from time to time scammers do post replies, typically asking you to phone them because they have whatever you are after. They may do this here or they may use the private message features. If the latter and you have the slightest doubt please report the message. Typically they may have messaged several users and consequently several reports will soon highlight the behaviour.

    Please do read the stickied posts with advice and feedback from past trades.


Ti Pouchon

Here's what I've found here:
Pity it isn't more, your trades list includes a who-is-who of my perennial wants list

Geroak II

Making good progress with getting my wants list shorter, so obviously only sensible thing to do is add to it!
To balance things out I'm also putting more minis up for trade as well.
These additional wants are mostly not oldhammer but let's give it a go anyway.

edit. Wants added to first post, haves to newest.
Last edited:


I might have those spirit host minis floating about somewhere (although I think one may have lost a hand as I have half a memory of drilling it out a bit to fit a plastic skeleton replacement) ... will have a rummage tomorrow and see if I can find them.

Geroak II

Giving this one gentle bump and that's it. Help me out with the top row of first photo (and goblins with spear on 3rd one) , good deals to be had. :)