Vanquish - Bourne End


Mr Street and I attended a local show today, as we have for the the last few years, which gives us the opportunity the find out what each of us have been up to, any news from the community and pick-up a few bits and pieces from local traders attending the show (in my case paint and figures) and with a bit of luck a bit of old lead from the bring and buy.

Needless to say my intention of only staying an hour or two went out of the window as we settled down to a pint at the bar as news was exchanged and we perused our purchases all very pleasent. Unfortunately the B&B wasn't has forthcoming as it had been in previous years with regard to anything pertaining to oldhammer, but there were a couple of bit which neither of us were prepared to purchase, maybe next year.

On the whole a smashing little show, well worth an hour or two of any wargamers time.

Paul / Golgfag1


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Fimm McCool

Even at a little show I see the old stuff has high price tags... though £40 for a complete 1st ed box plus spare rulebook isn't bad.

Fimm McCool

It was about 10 years ago when there weren't that many people looking for (or daft enough to pay that much for) one. People seem to have so much more money to throw at toys since 2020.


My thought was - that if someone wanted it that badly they'd pay the price, but it wasn't going to be me for either of those pieces of nostalgia.

Paul / Golgfag1


I don't like paying stupid prices BUT I don't mind paying over what is technically the price If I personally think it's worth it.. It's a book.. taking into account price to produce it in the first place, the age which pretty much has lead to SOME damage which would devalue it's original price and then kinda debating IF I would have a use for it or if it would just sit someplace gathering dust. Without going into... some details, we can say that if someone really wanted first edition WFB rule book, it's not very hard or cost much, so the value is based on it's age and them appealing to people who want to buy something as an investment for future re-sale.. thus the prices become stupid. It's the same with Comics.. the 'collectors' market almost killed the whole US comics industry.. and when it gets to the point that you can either pay £1000s for a comic which you can NEVER read, or pay £4 for the same thing but it's a modern reprint which you CAN read and enjoy? £1000s isn't the price a fan would pay.. it's the price someone who wants to invest would pay.

I've seen the odd mini that I would like but because they are 'rare prototypes' etc, the price is a case of.. I'm not good enough to wanna spend THAT much on it.. I'll make do with something else ^_^ yet I would be prepared to spend more then I would for a standard metal mini.


Oh and it's one reason to run a mile from 'Magic the Gathering'.. people went insanely made when it was announced some old cards are getting reprinted.. cause it's not about a game to have fun, it's about collecting small bits of card to sell for hundreds a few years later! How dare you be soo childish to think it's a game! ^_^;

Fimm McCool

Yeah, I love Magic and have lots of Classic 6th and earlier cards but I only like playing with mates I know won't get super competitive over it. The club scene is really tedious.