For my Space Wolves, while it's a fair bit darker then 'traditional' colours for them (well, RT classed them as just being grey, 40K 2nd made them blue-grey... alot of early marine chapters had very simpler colours.. hell, Ultramarine vs Crimson Fists.. only difference was one red hand), I'm pretty happy with it.
So as I'm sorting through alot, and as Space Marines are mostly one base colour with stuff then added, so pretty easy to paint, I decided to use some of the Vallejo colour airbrush paints I got a Christmas. I use Vallejo Model Colour 'Grey blue' for my base, and that set featured an airbrush grey blue. It looked a tiny bit darker to me but that might be because of the formula.. no problem.. So I decided to spray the first two of the ones I had to do...
oh dear.. that isn't the same colour at all.. that is ALOT darker. While there was a number code on the bottle, I didn't take this for being some special thing for the colour itself.. I mean, the grey-blue model colour is 70.943, and my gloss black is 70.861.. no colour system I'm aware of has a colour system which would have them THAT close. and all the airbrush ones are 71.0XX So.. just expected it was product ID more then anything to do with colour.. So I expected if they both have the same colour name 'Grey Blue', they would be the same colour.. but nope..
kinda leaves me with the choice of either painting over the base with a new base, or maybe trying to work with that and use the normal grey blue on top with the darker one as more shadows.. how this will affect the wash, I'm not sure.. but sigh.. it's very annoying..
I can understand having slightly different colour differences between companies, but a company products the SAME colour name in two types (Airbrush, and standard Acrylic) yet be almost a completely different colour is... very very annoying. Kinda expected something better from Vallejo.. Both are pretty new so not really some formula change..
So as I'm sorting through alot, and as Space Marines are mostly one base colour with stuff then added, so pretty easy to paint, I decided to use some of the Vallejo colour airbrush paints I got a Christmas. I use Vallejo Model Colour 'Grey blue' for my base, and that set featured an airbrush grey blue. It looked a tiny bit darker to me but that might be because of the formula.. no problem.. So I decided to spray the first two of the ones I had to do...
oh dear.. that isn't the same colour at all.. that is ALOT darker. While there was a number code on the bottle, I didn't take this for being some special thing for the colour itself.. I mean, the grey-blue model colour is 70.943, and my gloss black is 70.861.. no colour system I'm aware of has a colour system which would have them THAT close. and all the airbrush ones are 71.0XX So.. just expected it was product ID more then anything to do with colour.. So I expected if they both have the same colour name 'Grey Blue', they would be the same colour.. but nope..
kinda leaves me with the choice of either painting over the base with a new base, or maybe trying to work with that and use the normal grey blue on top with the darker one as more shadows.. how this will affect the wash, I'm not sure.. but sigh.. it's very annoying..
I can understand having slightly different colour differences between companies, but a company products the SAME colour name in two types (Airbrush, and standard Acrylic) yet be almost a completely different colour is... very very annoying. Kinda expected something better from Vallejo.. Both are pretty new so not really some formula change..