Wargaming With Lead Ferrari's Undead Skeleton Reapers Complete

Blog: Wargaming With Lead Ferrari's
Owner: mutantdale
Author: Anonymous
Post: Undead Skeleton Reapers Complete

Okay after a brief hiatus from painting due to life I am back :)

Got my reapers finished over the last few weeks and have a 2000 point undead vs dwarf battle set for tomorrow..
Unfortunately the battle will be with unpainted stuff so no nice pics but the idea will be to learn the rules a bit better.

Anyway light has been bad recently so not the best pics in the world but hopefully you will get the general idea and 1 day I might be able to take a decent photo ;)

I am not 100% happy with the standard and may go back to him some day to alter it. Maybe another colour to spit it or a border added..

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