Undead in 20mm


This is the 1st time I have posted pics of a new project on the forum so apologies for the poor quality of the photography!. Introducing my current army I'm building, the undead!. As always I am working to a budget (and am a natural cheepskate!)so I am using Ceaser minis plastic 20mm Undead as the basis for the force. I do all my gaming in this scale and find that it is perfect for my 2 basic requirements, a low basic cost and BIG armies!. I know most peeps on the forum use vintage lead but I find it too restrictive in cost and availability so I figure if I build a few armies in this scale opponents will have ready made forces to use!
The Zombies are from a boardgame of the same name. They come as booster packs of 100 and cost about a tenner!. Some people don't like minis in the same pose but in this case they look kind of like they are being used like marionettes by a controlling force of some kind (well that's my reasoning!).


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In addition to these I also have...
These are zvesda Cataphracts but work well as evil undead knight types imo, they may also double as Chaos Knights in my planned Nurgle force. What does every necromancer need?


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At this point I had reached my budget but was after more troops..... then I watched Sleepy Hollow!. These are just a bunch of left-over cav minis from other projects and therefore sort of free!. This led to some moments of hackey madness... And...
I will probs play these as skeletons but if anyone has some ideas for rules for these guys im all ears (not like them!)


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I am digging those headlese dudes... they should have a guillotine as a standard, or a unit filler or something. You could whip on up out of match-sticks and an old razor-blade :grin: chop chop!


very nice

if I didn't own so much old lead, I would totally get into 20mm for the same reasons. Cheap, easy to store, and faster to paint.


Great stuff, it's good to see the new 20mm fantasy models being used. As I've shown elsewhere, I'm painting up some 1/72 roman models as orcs. I'd like to try some of the Caesar models.

Zvesda Cataphracts look good, can't wait to see some painted.


The guillotine idea is brilliant, I may have to have a play with that soon!. I'm using Italiari Romans as Sea Elves at the mo but they would look cool as orcs too. One of the interesting things about using 1:72 scale is you have to look at things in terms of their potential as well as what they are made to depict. Cant wait to see the Orcs!


Just found those Romano-orcs, they look great!, love the bases, I have been using the minis boxes as basing materials too. Its strange what minis can become with a little imagination.


i'm using 1.5x1.5cm for foot troopers and 1.5x3.5cm for cav to keep them nice and tight in formation. You do need to check they rank up in this size but by and large they are about right for tight formations. Larger stuff just goes on whatever proves to be stable. I am also tempted to try using a thin corrugated card on my next force to see if it is any tougher for gaming. How about yourself?.