This is the 1st time I have posted pics of a new project on the forum so apologies for the poor quality of the photography!. Introducing my current army I'm building, the undead!. As always I am working to a budget (and am a natural cheepskate!)so I am using Ceaser minis plastic 20mm Undead as the basis for the force. I do all my gaming in this scale and find that it is perfect for my 2 basic requirements, a low basic cost and BIG armies!. I know most peeps on the forum use vintage lead but I find it too restrictive in cost and availability so I figure if I build a few armies in this scale opponents will have ready made forces to use!
The Zombies are from a boardgame of the same name. They come as booster packs of 100 and cost about a tenner!. Some people don't like minis in the same pose but in this case they look kind of like they are being used like marionettes by a controlling force of some kind (well that's my reasoning!).
The Zombies are from a boardgame of the same name. They come as booster packs of 100 and cost about a tenner!. Some people don't like minis in the same pose but in this case they look kind of like they are being used like marionettes by a controlling force of some kind (well that's my reasoning!).