Ultra sonic paint stripper

The only contribution I can offer is that I once bought a very very cheap battery operated cleaner, and it did absolutely nothing to the paint on the figures. So if you are going to go this route it would be worth investigating different models, as I guess some must be more effective than others. Not sure what the difference would be though - perhaps different frequencies?
If you want to use one to remove paint it's gunna have to be an industrial strength type....not a cheap arse one from the supermarket.

I use a cheap one to clean the residue off of new minis and to clean my airbrush, but it's not strong enough to remove paint.


I bought a cheap ultrasonic cleaner in Lidl earlier this year. I tried it using water and using water and Fairy Power Spray in various combinations (what I use for stripping my miniatures). I noticed no appreciable effect from the ultrasonics on my painted minitaures, even with extended durations in the cleaner.

The idea of dropping a model into some solution or other, pressing a button and seeing the paint simply vibrate off without any scrubbing is very appealing. To date I havent been able to find a combination that makes that work with the equipment that I have.


And a bit of elbow grease is all anyone needs.



I used to use these at work to clean microbes from the steel needles we used. It was rather powerful, whish I'd thought to use it on miniatures but I guess I would have had some explaining to do.
I've got one, I soak figures overnight in Fairy power spray, then drop them into this in a weaker solution. They still need a scrub to get the paint off, but it does seem to loosen it from crevices etc.
We have a sonic bath at work that we use for cleaning residual material from viscometer tubes and the like. I tried bathing an old Space Wolf model I got off ebay in it and accomplished naff all.

However after soaking the model in power spray, I popped it in the bath and it successfully removed all the crap and niggly little bits of paint from the crevices. If I didn't have one at work to use for free I wouldn't bother buying one.