Tomb Roar, Classic Grenadier Undead Mummies [PICS]


Good day fellow oldhammerers!

I have just finished photographing my latest addition to my ever growing undead army: a bunch of classic and not-so-classic mummies! It's been over a year since my last post so I haven't been too productive lately.

We start off with a group shot!


The models are a mix of figures I picked up from Mirliton (all Grenadier figures minus the minotaur), Foundry (four mummies) and eBay (undead minotaur and Citadel mummy).

I have painted them to match my previous group of mummies (below). The colour scheme is fairly dirty and mouldy looking to tie in with my 'wetter' undead and fit in with my undead army as a whole.


This was my previous installment of mummies. They are mainly classic Citadel with an addition of a Grenadier Necromancer (the pointing figure) and a priest with a book from Harlequin Miniatures. I do love figures with books!


Luckily I can add another mummy with a book to the list. These four figures are mummies from Wargames Foundry and picked up during my latest visit to BOYL (Bring Out Your Lead).


The meat and potatoes of this post is of course the two giant mummies that were released by Grenadier in the past. They can serve well as various monster types, the priest not in the least as a hierotitan (a sort of magical giant) in Tomb Kings armies in Warhammer. I picked these up when I placed a large order at Mirliton a while ago (well over a year by now). In addition I also got the tasty mummy by Mark Copplestone on the left and a sort of wonky skeleton mummy by Bob Naismith (probably) on the right.


The undead minotaur is also a classic Grenadier figure that is not currently offered by Mirliton. I picked up an old copy on eBay and added it to my army. Here it's flanked by two undead ogres from Armalion, currently sold by Ral Partha Europe. The minotaur fits in nicely and brings my total of 'ogres' to six, making for two three model units in games of Warhammer (serving as Ushabti or some other monstrous infantry).


A group shot of all my man-sized mummies together. There are fifteen of them which probably suffices for most intents and purposes. To be honest I don't think I've ever fielded more than one of these models at a time.


And now I send you off with a group shot of all my mummies large and small together!

For older posts and pictures of my undead follow these links:
Mors Ab Alto, Classic Grenadier Undead & Winged Nightmare [PICS]:
Undead zombie giant, grave kings, wolves & wraiths (Reaper Bones 5) [PICS]:
Luctor et Emergo - Classic undead C18 Zombies [PICS]:
Memento Mori, Skelliebobs, (Classic) Undead Wizards and a Jabberwock [PICS]:
The Demon's Whip (Ral, Lord of the Balrogs, Ethereals and Vampires [PICS]:
Classic undead carrion and samurai! [PICS]:
Aurora Mortuorum, (classic) undead zombies, characters and zombie dragon [PICS]:
Undead liche masters, war rhino and colossal skeleton [PICS]:
Classic undead dragon riders [PICS]:
More classic undead: pre-slotta Citadel, War Wagon, Necrodrake, monsters [PICS]:
Pictures of my army::
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Links to figures:
Foundry mummies:
Mirliton Pointing leader:
Mirliton Copplestone mummy:
Mirliton pointing necromancer:
Mirliton giant mummy:
Mirliton giant mummy priest:
Black Tree Design mummy lord:
Undead ogre with club:
Undead ogre with axe:
Undead ogre Hrothyogg (not pictured but recommended to go with the others):
Undead minotaur:
Citadel C18 Night Horror mummies:


Very nice. I like the scenic set piece photographs, very atmospheric. For some reason the larger beasties remind me of the ill fated large Fighting Fantasy plastics range GW did.

You've done these proud, the embalmed skin is particularly good and looks suitably desiccated.


Brilliant painting, elevated even further by the excellent staging in your photographs.

A display that is truly not-to-be-missed!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Thank you all for the kind words! The diorama box and RGB smart bulb have taken my pictures up a notch since I started using them :)

Great stuff. Where’s your not Kemler/Kemmler from?
It's a conversion made from two figures: the base figure is Metal Magic Wizard C1003h reading tome:

I added the head and staff end of Morbius the Liche from the Skeleton War Machines set:




Then just added hair and a hat with green stuff.




Morbius himself was repurposed as a wraith with a spare skull and a plastic scythe (far left):



I'm trying to work out not what is said, but how you wrote that small on the shield that clearly.. No.. change my mind, also working out what I says cause I can' make out the last two words..... Oh, I can guess..
with the start I can see, I guess I would be 'fit longior'.. erm.. Life is short but is made longer by evil


I'm trying to work out not what is said, but how you wrote that small on the shield that clearly.. No.. change my mind, also working out what I says cause I can' make out the last two words..... Oh, I can guess..
with the start I can see, I guess I would be 'fit longior'.. erm.. Life is short but is made longer by evil
"brevis ipsa vita est sed malis fit longior"

"our life is short but is made longer by misfortunes"

Most of my latin texts are copied from quotes so I had to look it up myself

I guess that makes the legibility questionable but I did it with a 00000 (or 5/0) brush.


chalk it to mix of eye sight and photo res ^_^
personally, would use Malis as Evil but.. misfortune, bad etc probebly fine.. My Latin isn't fantastic (school only taught French, Spanish or German.. none of which I have interest in) bu.. erm.. Malus, Mala, Malum, Malis erm.. I think thats right.. root for Malice


Like the quote, the translation was a copy-paste job. I think your point is valid and the translation is a bit 'floral'

I tend to look up Latin quotes and epitaphs when painting banners or, sometimes, shields. Occasionally I translate simple texts or words with Google translate until it looks right.


^_^ always a good idea.. well, Google translate is a bit iffy due to context and.. well, mostly context because some words can mean a few things depending on the context or what the author intended.

for some reason, I'm reminded of a bit from "Through he Looking Glass and what Alice saw there" by Lewis Carrol
"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful one, "it means just what I choose it to mean - Neither more nor less."
"The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things."
"The question is, " said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master - That's all."
It is directly in reply to her asking the mean of words in the Pseudo Anglo-Saxon parody poem 'Jabberwocky'.