Tilean Brigand Horsemen


The ‘Arrabiatti’ (angry) Brotherhood
(A band of brigand horsemen in northern Tilea)

These are an infamous band of brigands, with a ‘popular’ tradition of fighting for justice, supposedly lending aid to good causes and against cruel enemies, yet at the same time robbing and plundering to enrich themselves, and to live. They were until recently, and perhaps still are, led by a mysterious Morr-worshipping wizard called Lord Totto, and took part in the first battle of Ebino allied with the (then living) Duchess Maria. Since their magical mauling there (Lord Totto was apparently wounded) they have been quiet, certainly not reappearing in the campaign stories, but that does not mean they have not been active. I reckon they have been recruiting, an easy enough task when northern Tilea has been ravaged by ogres and vampires, and many a young man has been displaced and exiled from his home. They are selective though, and so take only the most able.

I noticed during their first appearance in a battle report I had mentioned they were known as the 'Shadowy Brotherhood'. I had been assuming they were secretive, cunning fellows, like Robin Hood's Merry men. But I did not want them dressed in Lincoln green to blend with the foliage like Hood's band, but instead dark colours to blend with the shadowy realm of their crepuscular activities!

I used Perry plastics and metals, for a Tilean look. Apart from basing, and attaching them to their horses (which I might not do in a permanent fashion, in case I need the horses on their own in a scene) they are done. Keep in mind that although I have been painting for 35+ years, I only recently switched to acrylics and I have been struggling to use them in my usual ‘cartoon’ style. These are the best I managed yet!

Here is the command, plastic Perry's Light Cavalry 1450-1500, with an old GW Empire Militia head thrown in for good luck. (That’ll be the big one in the middle, then.)



I added cloaks to two of these, as I have done to several of the others, using a Fireforge sprue, I think. I used subdued, dark hues to their clothing.

Here are the metal riders (Perry ‘Westernised Stradiots’) ...



I like these guys and I think they fit my initial idea for the Arrabiatti slightly better than the Light Horse. I modelled one of them with a flask, which hopefully will become useful in a story ...


Looking at the pic, I think I have some corrective work yet to do on the face. My eyes are rubbish, and I often only spot problems in the photos!

Here are the plastics, with a stray metal on the viewer's far right. I didn't notice when I was photographing them!



Four are just a-riding along, and so great for story pics. One, however, I got clever with, and I used some other Perry arms to have him being a bit more dynamic. I have to get this guy into a story as I really like him.



I painted another new figure while I was working in these - the new, mounted version of the Bretonnian fire wizard Perrette L’Amy (aka the ‘Fallen Damsel’), now the commander of what little is left of the Bretonnian Brabanzon mercenary company. She's 'Warlord 2' from Elite wargames and models range, with a magical staff from one of the Frostgrave wizards sets.


Help me here, you acrylics experts. I have been using enamels for 40 years and haven't much of a clue. Is there a way I can make the orb-gem (?) on the top the cane look jewel like?