Malacassa's Oldhammer Blog Thorin Enters the Fray

Blog: Malacassa's Oldhammer Blog
Owner: Malacassa
Author: Rob D
Post: Thorin Enters the Fray

That's A Lot of Goblins

Refought Guard the Crossing which played out in a very similar fashion to the first game, in that the goblins did not want charge Thorin with Orcrist which blocked one walkway and Dwalin and Balin stubbornly held onto the other one. And the goblin king didn’t show up!
It was not without cost as both Balin were down to one wound and no fate or might left.

Dwarves hung on for most of the game but on turn eight Dwalin took two wounds and had to use both points of fate to survive. Given only the lead two goblins could make off the board by this stage Dwalin and Balin retreated and hoped the goblins would switch to easier targets.

After the battle both Dwalin and Balin recovered some fate points.


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