The Return of The Terror of The Lichemaster

I realised that I will never collect the models of The Terror of The Lichemaster set, so I thought I'd do my own adaption of it instead.

I will use the SAGA rules and modify them heavily to allow for magick and heroic defenders.

Here's a small ridiculous background for the scenario I'm brewing:

It is an ironic thing when the same people are struck by a terrible tragedy twice in their life. It seems at odds with what is ‘OK’; an unfair treatment by the Gods. An unreasonable miscalculation in the abacus of life’s distribution of equality and karma.

Even more ironic is it that the incidence detailed herein has more commonalities with prior events than apparent at first glance. We all know the story of Frugelhofen. It was once made famous because it was visited upon by the great necromancer Heinrich Kemmler and his lieutenants Mikael Jacsen and Racnal the Black. Yes, yes, surely you’ve heard the story.

Well, have you ever heard the story of what happened a hundred years later? No? I thought so.

Well, you see. Ulrich Kemmler (no relation) was a talented young apprentice of the finer arts of healing and magick when he came to Flugelrofen for the first time on behalf of his master. The hamlet had grown immensely in the light of the events of a hundred years ago and was now a sizeable border town of the Empire. He spent some time in the town and eventually got to be on good terms with most of the people.

Soon he and the daughter of the rich merchant Borgel had fallen in love but alas, the father did not think greatly of the idea. Ulrich was devastated and wandered around the wilderness to gather his thoughts.

Influenced perhaps by unsatisfied and dormant mystical powers he started speculating. Speculating about how he could have his precious girl and exact a revenge befitting his humiliation. Then stumbling upon the rotting carcass of a horse on his way back he finally had the answer!

Soon the citizens of Fruhelhogel started coughing. The coughing became worse and the worse became a plague and soon the people had forgotten the names of who was buried and who was about to be. Meanwhile Ulrich sat back and enjoyed his plan as it unfolded.

For 10 years he laboured on endlessly achieving the knowledge necessary to control the dark arts. Aided, in no doubt, by aforementioned and still dormant and unsatisfied mystical powers until one day he went to the mountains and found the tomb of Krell… ‘s neighbour from good times, and exhumed the body of a mighty Chaos Champion with a Kislevetian surname. He was Ksarten Helzinski!

And well, yes, it all went to hell for Flufenhogel from there.

The incidence came to be known as The Return of The Terror of The Lichemaster as everyone thought it was the reanimated corpse of Heinrich Kemmler that was really at work.


I intend to use these guys as Ksarten Helzinski and Ulrich Kemmler


This horde of undees will form the bulk of his troops.

More to come!
Just John":3c9ehcn6 said:
Looking forward to following this. How are you going to integrate magic onto Saga?

YEah, I thought I'd just incorporate it in to the battle board of the Undead.

After all the necromancer is controlling the undead and it seems fair that he will control less if he's busy firing spells off...

We'll see how it all works out.

So I ordered 100 hex bases... but I don't know if I want to use them.

I am sooo used to round flat washers for skirmishing (David King style) and I think it looks better. Or do I?!

Help me out!


Oh dear. Didn't dave settle on the bases John Blanche uses after much basing despair. I wish you luck and hope you settle on the right base before madness takes a hold.


Dr The Viking":cormuk86 said:
So I ordered 100 hex bases...
Why on god's green earth did you do such a thing?! :grin: I'm not that familiar with Saga... are you supposed to have hex bases and does it matter in-game? If not, keep trucking with the washers!

I'm a devout follower of washers, the only models not based on washers in my house are my Blood Bowl teams (as I need the rim to write numbers and note player position).

Also, love the backstory and how the scribe can't get the name of Frugelhofen right. :grin: Looking forward to the madness about to ensue!
phreedh":1uhf6wov said:
Dr The Viking":1uhf6wov said:
So I ordered 100 hex bases...
Why on god's green earth did you do such a thing?! :grin: I'm not that familiar with Saga... are you supposed to have hex bases and does it matter in-game? If not, keep trucking with the washers!

I'm a devout follower of washers, the only models not based on washers in my house are my Blood Bowl teams (as I need the rim to write numbers and note player position).

Also, love the backstory and how the scribe can't get the name of Frugelhofen right. :grin: Looking forward to the madness about to ensue!

Aaaaaargh! This will be my undoing! :mrgreen:

I suppose that hex bases came sort of out of nowhere. It seemed like a great idea at the time though. Looking at it now, I can't really tell what happened. They will of course all go on washers. I'm probably never going to play warhammer games with them anyway.


Nice concept.
I've been playing Saga with warhammer figures myself, mostly wood elves vs hobgoblins using the LOTR saga boards as a change from my usual games of Vikings, Irish and Scots.
Coincidentally, the next batch of figures planned was undead vs my very own Frugelhofen militia (using the foundry mercenaries minis)
Our plan was to have undead warbands that were mainly composed of levy troops, no hearthguard and a few warrior units of better equipped skeleton horsemen.
The anglo-danish BB's treatment of levies was a good fit we felt. Not that we have finalised the boards mind you.
The rules for Irish Curaidh would be a nice fit for the 'personalities' on the human side.

For 'magic' we mainly concentrated on adding BB abilities that added fatigue, reduced armour ratings or caused involuntary movement/non movement.

Been working on them.

Do I paint the necromancer's robe with the little black symbols like in the undead diorama?


I think perhaps, yes?

The wight's cloth needs a reworking... didn't pan out the way I thought it would.


The Necromancer is looking good, I like the yellow its bold but still grubby for that realism vibe. The Wights robes reminds me of a Jean Jacket colour heh.
And we're back to washers... incidentally the 100 hex bases I ordered arrived today!


I went for the black scriblings on the robe.



And then I changed the cloth on the wight... somewhat


The back side ended up looking the nicest... of course!

I'm not going to paint the bases... before I finish the project! So I guess these are as finished as they'll get for now.

These guys are the next buggers I'll paint:


Don't you just love that heroic skeleton with the sword over his head? Haha! Makes me giggle. lol


The necromancer needed a minion sort of sidekick and Hoglet is going to be it.
Also I need to practice my skull skills so I'll paint some plastic skellies to go with the lot first.
Ti Pouchon":3ankwwmb said:
Great Necromancer, how did you do the black markings?

And who is the sidekick? Never seen that mini before...

It's from Bederken. I got it once I arranged a Skulldred competition 8-)

The markings were painting on with a brush, simply. :grin:


We're at the diffraction limit here and I literally almost can't see what I'm doing when I'm painting it... this one is on the cuff of the robe.

I really wish I had gotten that optivisor for christmas! :grin:

Ti Pouchon

Dr The Viking":3t02hl9o said:
The markings were painting on with a brush, simply. :grin:

Painted on with a... with a...

Words fail me. How do you even do that? What magic brush is this? Do you have nerves of steel?