Oldhammer Australia The NAF comes to town

Blog: Oldhammer Australia
Owner: Wolfdenoz
Author: Bubba
Post: The NAF comes to town

Lately the few who follow this blog will have noticed that my love of Blood Bowl is huge indeed. I love it, it got me into this hobby all those moons ago in 1988 and led to other worlds and games. I have been slowly working my way through some Blood Bowl teams and have admitted defeat when it comes to the rules and such, this has led me to come to a conclusion and something to get some painting done.

I have decided to start a 10 team semi solo/other player league for myself.

What the hell are you talking about Brett, well let me explain further and hopefully stop some confusion.

10 teams play each other once each using the new rules for Blood Bowl 2016, like cards for example and anything new in the Season 2 rule book that I am waiting to arrive from the US of A ($50 Ausd or $34 Ausd post free from America, thank you ebay :) )

The 10 teams are as follows:

The Bright Crusader - Humans
Gouged Eye - Orcs
Dwarf Anvils - Dwarves
Skavenblight Scramblers - Skaven
Lowdown Rats - Goblins
Asgard Ravens - Norse
Darkside Cowboys - Dark Elves
Elfhiem Eagles - High Elves
Chaos All Stars - Chaos Pact
Underworld Creepers - Underworld Denizens

Each of these teams will play each other once and the top 4 will go into a finals league knock out where 1st will play 4th and 2nd will play 3rd for their spot in the finals.

These games will be solo games unless I can talk someone or two into playing a game and we take a team each and enjoy some Blood Bowl fun and a chin wag on the way (feel free to pop in for a game anybody close to the Blue Mountains near Sydney folks!) Each of the games will be photographed and a match report will be written and put on the blog for everyone to enjoy (hopefully you all will). I have never written a battle/match report so hopefully it turn out ok.

For two teams to play each other they must be fully painted (this is where I may hit a stumbling block but hopefully it will get me to pull my finger out and paint some more.)

I have a couple of teams in stages of paint and at the moment the Dwarf Anvils are on the production line. As teams buy new players they will be painted and added to the line up for example if the Bright Crusaders have some real good money results they buy and ogre then I purchase an ogre and paint him up and boom he is on the team!

Basic box set teams are the go here I think to start off, like my humans have 2 Throwers and 2 Catchers and 2 Blitzers, I usually buy 4 Blitzers to begin with. I did this as it was quicker and less expensive to start a new team, some teams will be made up of my 2nd edition figures like my Darkside Cowboys and my Chaos All Stars.

You may even see some After Market teams like Norse for example.

Love these Norsemen, I honestly think they are better then the GW ones produced all those moons ago.

Check out Comixininos as well for other teams great site and heaps of cool stuff available.

So they are the rules and I will keep you updated if anything new happens and a rule rears it's head.

So without further reading I would love to introduce the first pairing of teams that are fully painted and ready to get going in this league.


These two champions of the Blood Bowl Pitch will be facing each other in a classic match up of Blood Bowl to kick off the season (and they are both painted......gasp!) So leave a comment tell me which teams you are looking forward to seeing on the pitch, who will win, who will crash and burn and who will lift the mighty Blood Bowl trophy.

I can almost hear the roar of the crowd :)

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