Stupid Question Time: fixing stupid PVA


okay, the PVA glue I've been using for a bit.. has always slightly bugged me that is appears a bit watery... and often have a problem sticking materials to figure bases and I didn't notice the fully problem until recently. I was putting some stuff on a thick card base for a model and.. It got pretty shrinky. a bit of warp to the card isn't too bad, makes a non-flat ground.. but it's a bit bad in places.

I've had two theories for dealing with this. One is to cut some wood and stick the card onto the wooden base, but that makes it .. noticeably thicker base then before and It's kinda a two part model. The other idea was sticking it onto Another bit of thick card (I say thick, 1000microns (1mm). Problem is, even without using this glue, I'm not quite sure how strong it would be to fix some of the warping.

and I really don't wanna have to take everything off the fairly large, mostly done base to fix this that way.. so.. Just wondering about some ideas ^_^


no clue. I think it's a "The Works" clear PVA ¬_¬ Just what I had around. I know some clear PVA has a shrink problem and some doesn't it's... confusing


oh, I was wrong..
"The Craft Place" which I think is just an 'own brand' that the Works do.. soo many love to do own brands these days to pretend... claims 'Dries fast'. depends on your view of fast... also, I wonder why it's cheaper for them to make PVA in china and import it for sale in the UK then to make it in the UK... even with the much lower prices on everything there which means not only is everything cheaper, but you get paid less cause the cost of living is cheaper...

Fimm McCool

You may have got a badly mixed batch. If you can find a hardware store I'd recommend getting some wood adhesive. Chemically it's just PVA (sometimes with an additive but no problems for your purposes) but usually formulated thicker than craft glues so causes less warping. Painting the underside of the card with glue first can help as when the topside is wet it will flex back again and the weight of the mini will help press it flat.


been wondering about some old fashion things to thicken it but not really bothering.. I do have a fair amount of Uhu but that's only good in some cases cause of the gel nature (oh and it melts foam for being an acetate).

I'm wondering if putting glue on the bottom, as the top side is already dried and all, would help but I can't really put anything on top cause. buildings in the way ^_^;


slight update. I coated the bottom in the same PVA glue and it seamed to kinda 'warp' it back but. well, it might be a bit better but not too much. gonna have to try to get some better glue and glue it to another sheet of card (under it) which some pressure where I can