Acceptable Radiation Stiggaz Stikspit, Boss o da gits

Blog: Acceptable Radiation
Owner: Ardyer
Author: Andrew
Post: Stiggaz Stikspit, Boss o da gits

"Oi, 'u lot! Git ova der! Nows, like!" shouted Stiggaz. These boys wouldn't know what to do if the Bad Moon itself gave them orders, he thought. But being dumb has its advantages too, if they're dumb they don't realize they can talk back to you or, even more importantly, stab you in the back! But dumb or not, he had a battle to win, and that mob better be where he needs or or he'd have to bash their head himself.

Not much to say on the painting front with this guy, he was painted pretty standard. I did opt to give him a red boss hat with checked ear flaps. I also gave his halberd a couple of yellow glazes to give it an old look, but also tie it in to the Bad Moon. And since he's a big boss, I figured he needed a big mushroom, so I added one of the larger Kromlech fungi to his base. This is also like the third time I've tried to photograph him, and the pictures always look way worse than he does in person!

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