Wanted to see about getting some static grass used well without alot of money spent (yikes.. for what it is, how can any one charge £100 for just a high voltage static generator? that's insane!) so I got a pretty cheap applier.. for some reason, ones for smaller work cost more... cause.. less resources means more money? again.. looks like most sellers of the 'named' brands are big time con-artists or them prices...
anyway.. really don't think I got the hang of it yet and most 'guides' seam pretty useless.. Put grass in applicator bottle/tub. when on, hold croc clip which is connected to the positive near or under it (not touching the metal) as you apply and make sure an internal-ish negative wire is touching the metal mesh.. this will charge the grass so as it is sprinkled, it'll stand up in the glue... No photos yet cause I'm gonna wait till the glue has dried and tapped off the over-spill/excess but.. some is probebly standing up but alot doesn't seam to be..
being a cheap one which.. yeah, I'm gonna say china from the cheap plastic handle (which is fine) and the back of the 'manual' being the same thing in Chinese (some nice bad translations too).. interesting how it says to discharge the capacitors.. "use the metal part of the aligator clip to touch the metal net of feeder box for about 5 seconds, then all the remaining voltage in the product circuit can be completely released" erm.. yes.. that would very quicky discharge the cap which is, the manual says, up to 5000v... that's gonna produce a nice bang....
The feeder size is... well, it seams 'micro' or 'mini' or whatever is pretty big but like I said, the smaller ones are really pricy and my idea was to either make a mask (basically a plastic cap with a much smaller hole in the middle so it can only come out of a smaller area.. this should be fine for most uses I would have) or just put in a new feeder.. It's just a plastic box with 3 screw holes and a hole for the charge wire, .. If i can make up a smaller mesh cap to do with the smaller box (not hard) then it's pretty simple.
though I'm really not sure I have gotten the hang of this applying stuff.. I get the feeling I'm doing something wrong with how I'm either putting the croc clip (maybe I should put a metal base under what I'm doing and clip it to that?) or this is... not a very good cheap applier.. but why Would I want to spend alot of money on something i'm either not gonna use much or can't get the hang of and never use?
any tips or advice welcome ^_^
anyway.. really don't think I got the hang of it yet and most 'guides' seam pretty useless.. Put grass in applicator bottle/tub. when on, hold croc clip which is connected to the positive near or under it (not touching the metal) as you apply and make sure an internal-ish negative wire is touching the metal mesh.. this will charge the grass so as it is sprinkled, it'll stand up in the glue... No photos yet cause I'm gonna wait till the glue has dried and tapped off the over-spill/excess but.. some is probebly standing up but alot doesn't seam to be..
being a cheap one which.. yeah, I'm gonna say china from the cheap plastic handle (which is fine) and the back of the 'manual' being the same thing in Chinese (some nice bad translations too).. interesting how it says to discharge the capacitors.. "use the metal part of the aligator clip to touch the metal net of feeder box for about 5 seconds, then all the remaining voltage in the product circuit can be completely released" erm.. yes.. that would very quicky discharge the cap which is, the manual says, up to 5000v... that's gonna produce a nice bang....
The feeder size is... well, it seams 'micro' or 'mini' or whatever is pretty big but like I said, the smaller ones are really pricy and my idea was to either make a mask (basically a plastic cap with a much smaller hole in the middle so it can only come out of a smaller area.. this should be fine for most uses I would have) or just put in a new feeder.. It's just a plastic box with 3 screw holes and a hole for the charge wire, .. If i can make up a smaller mesh cap to do with the smaller box (not hard) then it's pretty simple.
though I'm really not sure I have gotten the hang of this applying stuff.. I get the feeling I'm doing something wrong with how I'm either putting the croc clip (maybe I should put a metal base under what I'm doing and clip it to that?) or this is... not a very good cheap applier.. but why Would I want to spend alot of money on something i'm either not gonna use much or can't get the hang of and never use?
any tips or advice welcome ^_^