brown orc pink space marine Space Crusade; VICTORY!

Blog: Brown Orc Pink Space Marine
Owner: Ace Jagger
Author: Ace
Post: Space Crusade; VICTORY!

Just a quick post on a rainy day.

After trying for YEARS to beat Gremlin's Space Crusade on my Amiga 500 I have finally fought my way through the cold, dark corridors of the space hulks and emerged victorious on the other side!

Yay me =)

Here are a few screen caps (something no one here had heard of in 1993...) of the last mission - sorry that they aren't that good, I was so caught up in the action that I forgot to take a pic most of the time!

And just to set the mood...

Excellent =)


UltraMarines for the win!

Maxed out my Commander - only one mission separates him from eternal glory (er, the being alive kind that is...)

Big boys play with big toys. I always liked the Power axe/bolt pistol combo - bit of a gambit but so much more flexible than the other options.

Cube of Chaos you say eh?? Sounds suspicious, better get on over there and give it a big whack with a Power Axe!

That would be said 'Cube' then...

"Oh, sorry wrong room..."

"Avon calling!"

I don't know what it is, but when I look at these walls it just makes me think I'm wandering around a gigantic wine cellar.

Just shy of 100pts but a wins a win!

And that's a wrap! Sorry for my errant hand in the photo... I believe he's just promoted me to 'Captain SUPREMUS' =)

Yep, Captain Supremus it is! Top of the heap, king of the castle! Too bad about all the marines that didn't make it... I'll never forget... um... old, um... old whatsisname...

Nothing like a checklist full of ticks! (Not the insect kind)
Cool. I haven't had a lot of time for many games atm but hopefully will get back to some sporadic Powermongering and maybe even a game of Castles?


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