All excited about slann at the moment. There are a couple of old Grenadier sculpts I bought via Mirliton miniatures.
If you're particularly interested in the how it's on my blog in a post called Slan Craft I: Fantasy Lead into Sci-Fi Gold, but around here I'm positively surrounded by better sculptors than I, so I won't belabor it. This is an early effort. I've done a little sculpting, but this is probably the most adventurous I've gotten with green stuff. Advice is always welcome. With a little luck these two fine fellows, while a little crude, will be useable in the next day or two.
I decided to model these fellows on different sorts of poison dart frogs. They are painfully colorful creatures and really quite lovely. My paint jobs . . . well, that's for you to decide.
This second fellow was not yet complete when last you saw him. The arm is crude, but I think acceptable. (I'm really quite new at this green stuff business, so my standards are low. This is, in point of fact, my first elaborate GS conversion.) The gun is . . . disappointing. I wanted something exotic. Something that looked nothing like any known GW weapon. (I figure it's some kind of crazy beam weapon with an odd wave guide and no barrel or bore. It's more emitter than gun, though the emissions should be unpleasantly deadly and perhaps ignore all armor. I figure I'll call it a gravity pistol or implosion gun. Setting the range will be the real bitch. Deadly but troublesome and inaccurate as all heck. Maybe I'll call it "the squishy bit.") Anyway . . . I was going for something mysterious and sort of polygonal. It ended up far too squishy. Needed to resquish the harder edges and failed to do so. Could redo that, I suppose, but the figure has enough other problems I'm not sure it's worth the effort: an awkward pose (could possibly be corrected by removing the sword hand) and a less than stellar paint job (red is always troublesome) come to the top of the list. If his duplicate comes out better maybe I'll strip him and try again, but I'll let it stand for now.
Here's some group shots:
One other oddity of this pair: I've left them unvarnished for present. I may change my mind as the inks really are QUITE lustrous. At first I thought I liked that, they are modeled on true frogs after all, but I'm beginning to find it distracting. I'm generally happy with the blue fellow. I think he works more or less adequately as the lackey of a large Citadel slann. The red one is more problematic, but at least he's a learning experience. Have to hit a few squeakers before you figure out how to nail the high notes.