Some of my painted miniatures

Geroak II

I’m hoping to change this thread into Talisman or Dungeonquest painting log but till then; here’s a mixed bunch of figures I’m either happy with or just have not shown before.
These were painted during last 9 years or so, though some of them have received attention later on.
Most are for mordheim but ones on hexagonal bases were meant for my advanced heroquest project, a project that I’ve since scrapped.













And finally two serious close-ups. While editing the pictures I noticed how good the eyes of dwarf with spear and goblin showing off his wicked dance moves looked.
Both were painted years ago but have since then got a lick of paint for their skin and, you guessed it, eyes.
Just last year I started giving eyes special attention when painting them: Instead of just black dots, now I (pain stakingly, should be added..) paint pupil inside of iris.
To be honest, I can’t say if the eyes on these two actually look as good IRL as in photos since they are just too tiny to see well with bare eyes.
Maybe it’s just poor lighting that helped me on these pics.
Anyway, it’s nice to know my efforts in painting eyes isn’t going for waste, even if you need a microscope to tell the difference. :grin:


Geroak II

Thanks guys. Old dwarves sure have a certain charm to them and the character in these older sculpts must have been what initially draw me to collecting them.

I took some more pics. Beastman was painted some three years ago and is most recent one of these I’ve posted pictures of. It ended up being a bit too grim ’n’ dark, but still represents more or less how I like to paint these days.








Very nice. I do like your style with the black-lining really knocking up the contrast and making these models pop. The tunic edging on the dwarves takes those models up that notch and what can I say about the eyes. My Achilles heel has always been faces. Those eyes, woah, well I'd need eyes as good as those in order to even attempt to paint eyes as good as those! Lovely work.


That beastman shaman is awesome! :) I love the runes on his stole. And again . . . dwarves! Those old dwarves have some great character and your paintwork is gorgeous.

Geroak II

Thank you for your kind comments EricF and symphonicpoet.

My Achilles heel has always been faces. Those eyes, woah, well I'd need eyes as good as those in order to even attempt to paint eyes as good as those! Lovely work.

For me painting faces is the part I like the most. Even though at the end of the day it makes very little difference whether eyes are painted or not, as they propably won’t be seen on the gaming table, I like to try and paint minis as detailed as possible. Partially due to this it takes me forever to get anything finished.

So, it’s certaily been a while since I last posted any photos here. I was indeed going to tackle both Talisman and Dungeonquest minis but neither of those projects have even begun, and seems like they won’t any time soon either.
There's not much to show but I thought I might as well post these. Once again (this really feels like it’s becoming a tradition for me...) most of these are older paintjobs and only last two miniatures are recently painted. Hopefully it won’t take me another 3½ years to post more pics here. :roll:


Geroak II

Blue horror disguised as pink horror. Oh, the horror. Painted as a gift, this little rascal gave me a good reason to give brighter colours a go instead of my normal dark and muted palette. Tusks and nails didn't exactly turn out as I had envisioned them.

You must make a friend of horror.jpg

And surely you guessed it; more old paintjobs. Thought I might as well share these here.

Back in 2017 I got this idea of combining gothic horror, cosmic horror, pulp and creatures of mythology into one merry mix of miniatures.
There was no grand plan to this, no miniature game to use them in or anything like that. At the time I was reading a lot of old horror literature from late 19th and early 20th century and that must have sparked my enthusiasm for this project.
I was also thorougly tired of painting fantasy miniatures and, oddly enough, what bugged me the most was metals; I just wanted to paint something else than armours and swords and all that stuff.

I started by stripping an repainting miniatures from GW's 1988 board game 'Curse of the Mummy's Tomb' that I had purchased second-hand years before. Later on I managed to hunt down 2 out of 4 additional characters that had rules published for them in White Dwarf. 2 instead of 3 since burglar, Dodger Fagin, is actually not original but converted from another miniature in Citadel's Gothic Horror range. Only difference was their heads, so with simple head swap and bandana made from green stuff and this counterfeit crook was good to go.
Mycroft Lestrade, one of those 4 additional characters, is still waiting to get painted and I need to find Chai Sen Fong, preferably at a price that won't drive me into bankruptcy.

So, during 2017-2018 I managed to paint 36 miniatures for this project and then… the spark just died. Haven't painted another figure for this project since then, though I must mention that seeing Sleepysod's beautiful collection of Gothic Horror range nearly made me want to paint more of these minis. So nearly. :roll:
From those 36 miniatures I chose to show here include all the Citadel one's I have and some others from other manufacturers.
I hope you like them.

Miniatures for Curse of the Mummy's Tomb:
Curse of the mummy's tomb.jpg

These five are from Citadel as well, some minor fixing and small conversions but otherwise nothing special with these:
Gothic Horror 01.jpg

And lastly those miniatures from other manufacturers, Metal Magic and Dixon to be accurate. Quite pleased how doctor looks as well as with striped vest and cap of jolly good chap with shotgun. While nothing earth shattering, I think I managed to sell the illusion of vest having those stripes sculpted on rather than just painted on. Unintentionally cap looks a bit like it was made from corduroy - what a strong fashion statement by this gent. I have no idea if corduroy caps are actually a thing. I think they are?
Gothic Horror 02.jpg


Looking back through this again and . . . wow. The Curse of the Mummy's Tomb stuff looks fantastic. And suddenly I'm getting a huge Mandalorian vibe off the chaos mage character. Almost wondering if they intentionally drew on some GW stuff for their reference materials. (There is a Zoat looking thing in the Book of Boba Fett, after all. Even if only briefly.) Anyway, well done!


Knowing how small those miniatures are I am so impressed by the amount of detail you’ve managed to get into their faces - shockingly good! And that chaos beastman is fricking fantastic!


Very nice and really interesting to see the Curse of the Mummy stuff don't think I've ever seen them in all the painted loveliness before.