Malacassa's Oldhammer Blog Slann Animal Handlers

Blog: Malacassa's Oldhammer Blog
Owner: Malacassa
Author: Rob D
Post: Slann Animal Handlers

Lustrian Giant Pond Frog

So, while technically Slann can't have giant frogs as animals in WFB 3rd Ed. It seems a bit of a daft omission. They are listed in the 3rd Ed. rules and in the army book but only as part of a monstrous host. But this feels like it fits the army, so I am including it.

Anyway Alternative Armies were having a sale and the recast Vintage Asgard miniatures giant frogs seemed a good fit. Another three to paint which makes a nice little unit.

Lustrian Giant Pond Frog - (Giant lacum Rana lustrian)

'The giant Lustrian poison frog is the preferred choice for Slann animal handlers because of its aggressive nature and highly potent skin toxin. Which makes them very difficult to engage in close combat. And whatever you do don't let them lick you!'


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