• You are 100% responsible for your own trades, both buying and selling.

    Please note that from time to time scammers do post replies, typically asking you to phone them because they have whatever you are after. They may do this here or they may use the private message features. If the latter and you have the slightest doubt please report the message. Typically they may have messaged several users and consequently several reports will soon highlight the behaviour.

    Please do read the stickied posts with advice and feedback from past trades.

[SALE/TRADE] Citadel Rare/Vintage miniatures



Please check my wants lists at the bottom.

* Click on miniature title to see a photo.
** <source> link navigates to a catalog page.
I send worldwide by recorded air mail with tracking - $4.

Open for trade or sell offers.

Regards, Dmitry




Ti Pouchon

Hallo Schatt,
ich glaube, ich habe Deine Liste auch bei GW Fanworld gefunden... bist du in Deutschland? Wenn ja, ließe sich per Überweisung in Euro zahlen?
Ich habe auch einige Püppchen von deiner "want"-Liste, bei Gelegenheit werde ich mal ein Photo schicken.

Hi Schatt,
think I've seen your list on GW fanworld as well.. are you in Germany? If so, would payment by bank transfer be possible?
I think I also might have some minis from your want list, will try and send a pic round asap.


Hi there,

Thanks for your interest.

You are correct , I left same topic on GW Fanworld. I translated it, hope it wasn't so bad ;)

Unfortunately I'm not from Germany , but I can send worldwide it isn't problem. I can recieve payment only by PayPal, so I'm afraid the bank transfer can not be possible :(

In case the trade won't be possible, I'm interested in buying miniatures from my Wants List, It would be great if you send the photos.

Regards, Dmitry