I'm a recent convert to old minis. I found a big bag of 25 old dwarfs for £4 in a charity shop last year and thought they looked amazing. Weird and fungal and unpredictable with odd little details and texture. Later on, when I found out about Oldhammer and started reading around the topic I found out they were by Bob Olley- some of his early work for Essex miniatures. Since then I've been picking up Bob Olley dwarfs wherever I can. I know Bob's work divides opinion but I love 'em! These first couple of pics represent the start of a Dwarf army with as much Bob Olley stuff as possible. I'll be using it for Kings of War, Warhammer 8th ed and for 3rd ed too.
just started work on a movement tray with mossy boulders to match the bases I'm sculpting

just started work on a movement tray with mossy boulders to match the bases I'm sculpting