ROC recast? help

Loose Loser

Me again with possible recasts. Bought them recently. Few are more then questionable. Since these are first RoC ( I think ) I don't have anything to compare with except photos on net. Maybe here someone got them to compare whit these.

Thank you,

I don't think this one is recast



To me, this one is recast. Got some blobs and bobs of metal and also 2 mould lines on axe.




This one looks rather nice but it's somewhat thin? Details are nice.




This one is also nice but got two mould lines on the book.




This one doesn't look to me like recast.



This one got drunk details here and there and it's little bit thin. Also, 2 mould lines on side.





This one looks nike but also got 2 mould lines and dodgy little round plate on horn.




Just to point out, double mould lines aren't necessarily proof of being a recast, just that the master model wasn't cleaned before being put in a mould, and it wasn't that unusual. The only suspicious part is that you got a lot of them in one lot.

Having said that, most of these models were in production for well over 20 years, and towards the initially planned end of metal production (i.e just before finecast came in) the quality control of some of the moulds was a bit suspect, and so it could just be a batch of models from that era.

Loose Loser

I remember seeing these in catalogs as classic range ( if I'm not mistaken ) so, as you said, might be control issue. Some of these got really nice details.

Considering buying them in lot, that's usually the case as most blokes sell their old stuff to buy new ( in Croatia of course ) because they ( most of them ) like new ones better so usually it's pretty long list that they have as they collect miniatures for years and years and I usually buy in lot.

All in all, considering dodgy control as you mentioned and double mould lines as something that can occur, only one that it's shady is second one, with the axe. Some nasty blobs of metal behind his left knee ( there shouldn't be anything according to the pictures on net but then again they're all cleaned so who knows ).

Thank you as always,


Agree that only the second one is really dodgy. The ones with no tabs are a little suspicious- can you see that they have had their tabs removed or do they look like clean casts? Wouldn’t have thought there is any real value in recasting any of these, more likely they are all just old moulds

Loose Loser

Two had some kind of tab I guess since these are really cut down there and they were on greenstuffed base. Bloke with the mace is model that goes on disc, and it doesn't seems that he had tab of standard sort.

I wish these RoC got no value because they look great and I would collect them all but many of those goes for really high prices. At least on ebay, I don't know UKs street price so to say.

Loose Loser

Just looked at that mace and book bloke and he had something under his foot, and I looked at ebay and he has something like pin tab for the disc.