Rival Schools: Divided by Whimsy, my chaos warbands project


These are the first minis of two warbands I am painting up for a little chaos warband campaign to introduce an old friend who has been very patient this last year playing Saga with me to the world of oldhammer.
I went for a straightforward Nurgle vs Tzeentch showdown with two rolls on the followers table, and I'll happily admit a fudge for the recipient of the second dice rolls as they fitted better.
So we ended up with a human Nurgle champ who I'm planning to call Criumh (Irish for maggot/worm) who hails from the canon (at least for a whole novel - Storm Warriors) isle of Aeryn, which is west of Albion. He has 5 human followers, as well as 5 pestigor (4 lizardmen in the original roll). For the Lord of Change's followers, we got a Slann leader (Kuka) with 4 Slann and 4 (re-assigned) Lizardmen followers.
Kuka the Slann's rolled mutation was pseudo-deamonhood, and Criumh's was mesmerising stare.
So I grabbed a few old minis and started painting

Koka, I started tonight with a basic conversion, I would have preferred feathered wings as they are much more Lord of Change, but these leathery ones are the only ones I have without an owner

His first two Slann followers

So far for Cruimh I have 5 humans (from the old Red Redemptionist set)


and his first pestigor

for the man himself I have yet to decide on a suitable model, as well as decide on a suitable look and feel for our playing board.

Jeff McC

Re: Rival Schools: Divided by Whimsy, my chaos warbands proj

Great looking models, can't wait to see more.


Re: Rival Schools: Divided by Whimsy, my chaos warbands proj

Looks good so far.

I'm in the process of rolling up a warband and I think the only way to do it justice (and keep the crazy conversions under control) is to be "loose" with your die rolls but be fair with the results,


Re: Rival Schools: Divided by Whimsy, my chaos warbands proj

One alternative approach I took was to think outside the box. I rolled up a familiar that was half swarm, certain limbs were made out of scorpions but others were still daemonic. I could picture it but darned if I could model it, I did think about say reversing the numbers in my d10 rolls or something but decided to have a think.

In the end I ended up using a number of epic fiends as a swarm base instead of a daemon partly made up by a scorpion swarm I had a swarm of daemons that were partly scorpion. The stats didn't change and it looked pretty good on the table.

Oh nice couple of warbands Aiteal, love the chaos Slann even if some people will be doing flips about converting rare slann minis. Will be watching this one.
Re: Rival Schools: Divided by Whimsy, my chaos warbands proj

CHAOS SLANN CONVERSION! You can bet I like that one. I think the leathery wings work just as well as feathered ones - might even work better given the Slann propensity for using feathers as banners the leathery wings avoid any potential visual ambiguity. Going on the photo I think he would be improved with something on his head though to help him to have a little more height and to break the silhouette accross the top of the wings/head, classic Satan horns perhaps? The tail is cool. Any chance of another angle shot of him? Painting is very nicely done on everyone in general.

Blue in VT

Re: Rival Schools: Divided by Whimsy, my chaos warbands proj

They all look great...but that Beastman is PERFECT! Well done indeed!



Re: Rival Schools: Divided by Whimsy, my chaos warbands proj

thank you very much guys :)
I'm very glad you like them so far.

I'm still fumbling about with my fingers trying to make greenstuff horns that don't look naff for Koka, simple Satan horns might do the trick aye, the description for Pseduo-demonhood attribure does mention horns, so it would be remiss of me to leave them out, I'll certainluy take a pic later, after my amatuerish attempts with greenstuff to sort out the hole were his tail pops out of


Re: Rival Schools: Divided by Whimsy, my chaos warbands proj

Lovely painting & an interesting theme with the worm. Chaos Slann is so perfectly RoC retro! :grin:

For those horns, you might try twisting the GS for a more antelope-ish approach. I've found that to be easier in certain situations.


Re: Rival Schools: Divided by Whimsy, my chaos warbands proj

I tried doing the twisting horns thing, didn't quite pull it off, but well, it'll do, clearly i'll never be a sculptor ;)
once it dries out a little i'll fill in the base of the horns


here's the tail from behind Sean

once he dries out i'll get to painting :)


Re: Rival Schools: Divided by Whimsy, my chaos warbands proj

Excellent looking warband, especially the Slann, I love the colours :)


Re: Rival Schools: Divided by Whimsy, my chaos warbands proj

Thanks :)

Almost finished Koka, he needs some final highlights and the shield feathers need going over again to give them some 'zap'


Re: Rival Schools: Divided by Whimsy, my chaos warbands proj

That's awesome Aiteal!

Don't give up on sculpting! Those horns came out nicely & really add to the mini.
Group shot!


Re: Rival Schools: Divided by Whimsy, my chaos warbands proj

The mutations are great additions, but the colour scheme really pops with the sinister skin tone & gorgeous bright colours!


Re: Rival Schools: Divided by Whimsy, my chaos warbands proj

thank you guys :)
I'll do a group shot once I have a few more done, i've managed to source the other minis I needed for the 4 pre-slotta lizardmen


Re: Rival Schools: Divided by Whimsy, my chaos warbands proj

A few more pestigor (bases and shields to be done) for Cruimh's warband to take me to the required total of 5

and a Lizardman for Koka and Cruimh himself before I slap some paint on him, was a toss up between this model and the skinny skull faced Chaos Warrior, who looks a bit 'maggoty', but I settled on Metalmane as he has a nice swollen frame


Re: Rival Schools: Divided by Whimsy, my chaos warbands proj

Looking good mate, Pestigor with the Flail is by far my favourite


Re: Rival Schools: Divided by Whimsy, my chaos warbands proj

I'm loving those Pestigors, they looks fantastic, very inspiring.


Re: Rival Schools: Divided by Whimsy, my chaos warbands proj

Two more Slann and a couple of Amazons for Kuka