These are the first minis of two warbands I am painting up for a little chaos warband campaign to introduce an old friend who has been very patient this last year playing Saga with me to the world of oldhammer.
I went for a straightforward Nurgle vs Tzeentch showdown with two rolls on the followers table, and I'll happily admit a fudge for the recipient of the second dice rolls as they fitted better.
So we ended up with a human Nurgle champ who I'm planning to call Criumh (Irish for maggot/worm) who hails from the canon (at least for a whole novel - Storm Warriors) isle of Aeryn, which is west of Albion. He has 5 human followers, as well as 5 pestigor (4 lizardmen in the original roll). For the Lord of Change's followers, we got a Slann leader (Kuka) with 4 Slann and 4 (re-assigned) Lizardmen followers.
Kuka the Slann's rolled mutation was pseudo-deamonhood, and Criumh's was mesmerising stare.
So I grabbed a few old minis and started painting
Koka, I started tonight with a basic conversion, I would have preferred feathered wings as they are much more Lord of Change, but these leathery ones are the only ones I have without an owner
His first two Slann followers
So far for Cruimh I have 5 humans (from the old Red Redemptionist set)
and his first pestigor
for the man himself I have yet to decide on a suitable model, as well as decide on a suitable look and feel for our playing board.
I went for a straightforward Nurgle vs Tzeentch showdown with two rolls on the followers table, and I'll happily admit a fudge for the recipient of the second dice rolls as they fitted better.
So we ended up with a human Nurgle champ who I'm planning to call Criumh (Irish for maggot/worm) who hails from the canon (at least for a whole novel - Storm Warriors) isle of Aeryn, which is west of Albion. He has 5 human followers, as well as 5 pestigor (4 lizardmen in the original roll). For the Lord of Change's followers, we got a Slann leader (Kuka) with 4 Slann and 4 (re-assigned) Lizardmen followers.
Kuka the Slann's rolled mutation was pseudo-deamonhood, and Criumh's was mesmerising stare.
So I grabbed a few old minis and started painting
Koka, I started tonight with a basic conversion, I would have preferred feathered wings as they are much more Lord of Change, but these leathery ones are the only ones I have without an owner
His first two Slann followers
So far for Cruimh I have 5 humans (from the old Red Redemptionist set)
and his first pestigor
for the man himself I have yet to decide on a suitable model, as well as decide on a suitable look and feel for our playing board.