Revisiting Rogue Trader

Piers B

I thought I would keep all my Rogue Trader Oldhammer stuff in a neat new thread, and try to use it to keep the momentum going!

I'm pretty much sorted with the figures I want, just five or six still elude me, but it's time to start painting. Anyway, after a good sort out, these are the various factions that make up my little RT project...


Rotgrim Rotgrub and his band of Ork Mercenaries...


Colonel Jakob Koch and the 'Last Survivors' of the Squat 101st Abhuman Infantry Regiment...


Inquisitor Mordroth and a detachment of Space Marines...


The Koranski Raiders, an Eldar Pirate warband...


Malgor Grosse and his band of Renegades...


Imperial Infantry platoon from the 12th Laguna Rifles...


The Rogue Trader and his entourage, though the Inquisitor model has been replaced with a more suitable one for the Rogue Trader and these fellows will double as all manner of things...


I have been doing the final building work on the Rogue Trader figures, starting with arming, literally, my Squats. I have been doing the tedious job of cutting down Adepts Mechanicus rifles I to Squat carbines. Three done, six to go and then tidy up with some green stuff...



Once all the h'armless figures are done, sand all the bases and then get undercoating...
Oh dear, your gunna be there for a loooooong time :lol:

Great collection there Piers. The arm conversions for the Squats looks really good!

Have you set yourself a schedule to have them all painted by? Or are just gunna chip away at it at your leisure until their all done?

Piers B

My 'schedules' are planned over years... Like all good dictators I run a longterm gameplan! ;)

Actually its more due to the work required for the WW2 books we produce, so all my painting has to be planned to fit around miniatures to be produced for the books. This year has been a slow year after three very busy years painting, but still the Dwarf Army got done along with the usual WW2 20mm.

Im planing to have the fantasy Chaos and Empire armies painted over the next two years, along with the usual WW2, and Rogue Trader will fit in around those. Rogue Trader stuff for me is more a 'vanity' project than one I want to game with. Im painting them all as I want to paint them and its gonna be my project that is purely to indulge myself!

So yes, will be a longterm one, but I think by this time next, I will have made a good dent into the pile and added so scenery into the mix.


Nice collection there! Good luck getting through it all.

Do the robotic hands on the new Mechanicus models only have four fingers? That's a cool touch.

Piers B

It ain't work... its fun. ;)

Squat Fire Team...


Squat 'hero' types...


A Commissar for my Guard (who may get a smaller pistol!), the Navigator for my Rogue Traders Entourage and a random Merc/pirate...


Matt in PA

That's a pretty good answer to the problem of missing Squat arms. I look forward to seeing some paint on these.


That's a heck of a project you have lined up there. You may sell me on chaos marines yet. Maybe. Possibly. (Like I need to buy more old lead.)


That's straight up. My own is quite similar, if not quite as lovely. (Still, you can see the same face, right down to the oddball buck teeth.)



I love the old Nurgle renegade models. Are you going to be combining several legions into one group?

Piers B

urion":3r3i6zk4 said:
I love the old Nurgle renegade models. Are you going to be combining several legions into one group?

Yes... My plan is to do the initial batch of 16, as four distinct Legions, all grouped together under their leader as a roving band of renegades.

Its to help me differentiate the squads and to also mix up the painting a little to stop me getting bored and add lots of colour.

Though I may add some more renegades... as I do like the Nightlords colours... Fancy a Dreadnought done in those colours too...


Sounds good. I love those dreadnoughts I use to have one when I was young, but I don't know what happen to it.