Returned from the grave: Classic Oldhammer T-Shirts

Zhu Bajie



I may not be Heinrich Kemler, but that doesn't mean we can't raise the dead.

Our classic #Oldhammer of Khaös T-Shirts have returned from beyond the grave to once again walk the earth. Now with more environmentally friendly production, and free shipping this weekend (29-31 Oct 2021)

Explore the whole range including tote bags along with mens and womens styles: ... mer-69579/

Zhu Bajie

Completely amazed by the response to this - we've seen had more sales in the last two days than in years. Thanks to everyone who've placed an order, really is appreciated. Still free UK shipping all #halloween weekend!


They're cool shirts. Thanks for posting. Whether I can get my beloved Wytch into one is another matter, but hey, it's worth a try, right? Hello from outside of the land of free shipping. *blurble UK schmurble grumble futz* Sorry. I seem to have been briefly overtaken by one of the chaos gods or other there. ;) A most sincere happy Halloween to you. :)

Zhu Bajie

symphonicpoet":e21br7jf said:
They're cool shirts. Thanks for posting. Whether I can get my beloved Wytch into one is another matter, but hey, it's worth a try, right? Hello from outside of the land of free shipping. *blurble UK schmurble grumble futz* Sorry. I seem to have been briefly overtaken by one of the chaos gods or other there. ;) A most sincere happy Halloween to you. :)

Thanks! Hope you had a good spooky time too. Another Wytch orientated piece in the pipeline...