Realm of .. confusion


Not sure if this is written somewhere or our way of playing, but getting beastmen and gobbos for us would be two units. If you then get beastmen again, you have the option of doing a second unit, or bolstering the first.

Nice little troupe you have there :)
I'm pretty sure there was a bit in either the Realm of Chaos books or armies (or maybe rule book) which said about Chaos units being mixed.. but it's easier not to be ^_^..

still unsure on the points.. the Slave To darkness way of 10 pts per model + 10 for each reward that unit gets (which would mean 40 for the 4 gobbos + 30 for the rewards (2 shared, 1 for just one).. OR the 45pts each time he makes a roll on the followers chart but.. erm.. doesn't quite say if that 45 pts is added to the Champion for his chance to roll + whatever points for his followers... which would be the 70pts for them gobbos... I know this are big complex books but.. erm.. I think Phil Gallagher was the editor, kinda needed to check for contradictions like that.. though it does happen from time to time even in the best stuff..

I might have some figures for 3 of the Gobbos.. I got a bunch of the 4th Edition plastic night Goblin archers.. Since the group could have bows, I just need to cut off the heads and replace them.. for the 'leader' with the hunchback, that's more work..

As for Beastmen.. either have to get some (not like they got any special features) or have some BM ones do double duty.. though as I would want them to have the gods mark on the shield, and the BM ones will have the unit mark on the shield.. tricky.. probably get some someplace (like when I get some goats heads..

Main problem with the Champ figure right now is a Staff.. well.. It is having an axe in one hand, which has a sword hilt but long enough to count as a double handed axe.. just currently brandishing it, but the other hand has a spear.. If I cut that off, the arm (and hand) is in a weird pose.. I was wondering about making it into a staff.. but that seams unlikely for a Chaos Warrior to have.. more of a Chaos Wizard thing.. Or I could make it into a standard with the Gods Mark on it.. but that's kinda.. Character isn't really meant to have that.. is tricky..


thanks, I hoped going through it like that would both figure it out for me and give some help for others ^_^


To think I tried creating an excel sheet that created a random champion and warband, now I know why I gave up
Pretty sure I can do up a little application which can Generate.. There are a couple of bits which might be tricky but.. might be a fun thing to have a go at.


won't be in Excel. It'll be a exe.. in fact, I just was toying around.. the hardest part will be.. data entry..

but right now, You can pick from 5 'Gods' (the 4 main, and 'undivided', and generate a starting profile for a Champion. Something I can toy around with when I feel like it. adding Custom 'Gods' is gonna be a bit trickier but making a fun little basic thing is a nice bit of distraction when I can't work on anything else for whatever reason


don't worry, I can compile it for unix based systems. or probably macOS if any one still uses that thing.

I probably should do it as XML or something for easy update but will have to see.


Ah, making a program in a language I'm rusty in ^_^ great fun..
Changed so I'm using an XML system, which makes customising for adding custom Gods soo much easier.

EDIT: Also.. might need to rename some Attributes.. so far.. "You have been granted Blood Substition" works fine.. but "You have been granted Beaked".. not so much ^_^;
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mmm.. I wonder if this forum has or can have a dice roller... AIM (AOL instant messeger) used to have this great dice roller.. just put in the keyword in the text with the number of sides and it randomly rolls and give a result so others knew you weren't cheating..
Totally missing the main thread topic, I have thought about doing a roller. I wrote the basic roller. However being picky it would have to be properly secure to prevent tampering so I didn't do the API. There are some decent ways of approaching that problem. Might get back to it at some point.