Realm of Chaos - Khorne Warband (added Chaos Warrior)

Here my next Realm of Chaos Warband, a Khorne Warband.
The first miniature is the Khorne Champion. The tail missed the demon head so I included a blade:



Re: Realm of Chaos - Khorne Warband

Im not usually a fan of your style , but this one is hella AWESOME . love the mix of bone , red and black . Now you just need to change the base hehe .
Keep up the good work , cant wait to see more khornate guys.


Re: Realm of Chaos - Khorne Warband

I was worried about the colours you'd choose for Khorne ( ;) ) but this is spot on.
The colours for highlights are well chosen and just the right amount to leave it red instead of orange.
=> I like it very much.
Re: Realm of Chaos - Khorne Warband

Usually I like a bright and colourful paint scheme for my old school miniatures, Initially I wanted to paint the champion with the classic paint scheme in the eavy metal gallery inside the realm of chaos book, later I thought about an all dark red paint scheme, but at last I chose a paint scheme from a khorne renegade in the RoC book.


Now I'm painting three khorne beastmen.


Re: Realm of Chaos - Khorne Warband (added Beastmen)

The painting is wonderful. right up my street.

But I am not going to lie to you .... you are killing me with the green bases. :grin:
Here 3 orcs join the warband ;)
I painted a chaos warrior with an orc mask as a "black orc" and included in my orc retinue.

and the whole warband (Khorne sacred number 8 )



Now it is the turn of the Nurgle Warband :mrgreen:
I concur with Aces' sentiments. Also I like the ork face you painted on the CW, cool!

Love seeing uniquely painted minis, it "might" just motivate me to get back in the saddle.....maybe :roll:
