Quintessential Oldhammer Scatter

I am pondering what scatter and or small items of scenery to make.

I have my cottage, some fields, hedges, fences and barricades.
I have a wayside shrine, trees, and some roads.
Clearly I need a stepped hill.
I will also make more buildings.

But what else that adds oldhammery old world vibes should I make?

A gibbet?
a signpost showing directions to empire cities

a well

stacks of sacks of flower, kegs, etc


an imperial or bretonnian statue, toppled over, with Skaven runes scribbled on on blood

not that I built everything mentioned above :(
Standing stones, pig pen, rustic burial plot (i.e. nothing fancy or gothic), meandering stream with a ford and/or rickety bridge plus some areas of difficult ground e.g. pond & marsh.

A coaching inn would be good but doesn’t qualify as either a small piece of scenery or scatter terrain. More a centrepiece.


A coaching inn would be good but doesn’t qualify as either a small piece of scenery or scatter terrain. More a centrepiece.
Now that depends on the size of the gaming table...

Not exactly scatter, but I've always had a fondness for trying my hand at some wheat fields one day. Classic scatter? Well that would be hedges, standing stones, cartwheels. Not that I think we ever had enough, but I've always liked a good baggage train and encampment as scene setting pieces. If you do siege games you can never have too much siege scatter!

Larger "small" pieces - I think a beacon tower is a good bet and if you are less lazy than me a cardboard tube with some modelling clay would get you one very quickly.
Now that depends on the size of the gaming table...
6x4 by lore unless you’re doing a big bash.

FWIW, as his setting in Stirland, the coaching inn I had in mind was a rural compound type building as you might find in Styria. A two story building with a sturdy gate, walls around a central courtyard, stables and stores on a ground floor with no windows and the accommodation above. They are sturdy and defensible buildings with residents able to put up a reasonable defence against raiders.

Geroak II

- Notice board for wanted posters and announcements.
- Small tollhouse to tax travellers.
- Outhouse.
- Trapdoor to bandit hideout hidden among bushes or large rocks.
- Primitive totem to ward off evil or to mark beastmen/goblin/orc territory.


Guess they don't count as Terrain and I can't remember alot of old photos of boards with them, But I always like having the odd animal around the place.. helps bring stuff to life.. either using some kinda rules for wild animals (so clearly not terrain) or like some birds in a tree, or rabbit sticking out of a burrow.. can never have enough wild animals (I need to get back to getting some more painted up.. I got 4 new ones not long ago..)


6x4, pah 8x4 minimum (although my mum was never impressed when we got the big sheet of wood in from the side of the house, so most games were actually on the 5x3ish dining table), although now I'm thinking perhaps we should create a new measurement - the Ansell and measure our tables in Ansells as a small tribute :)

I like the idea of a tollhouse.
I had already thought of a few of those including a road wardens hut, so it seems I am in good company!
Plus a scarecrow for my fields.

Thanks for the ideas!!

Alas my playing surface is a meagre 5 foot by 3 foot and a quarter
I will in time have a bigger one.
But coming from 10mm which was smaller, this is big for me, plus I don't have much in the way of stuff yet.
Skirmishy type games being the plan.

Though one day I suspect (hope?) the collection will be too big for my 5x3.
Guess they don't count as Terrain and I can't remember alot of old photos of boards with them, But I always like having the odd animal around the place.. helps bring stuff to life.. either using some kinda rules for wild animals (so clearly not terrain) or like some birds in a tree, or rabbit sticking out of a burrow.. can never have enough wild animals (I need to get back to getting some more painted up.. I got 4 new ones not long ago..)

Totes, my home brew setting is very rural and the locals are loggers, trappers and sheep farmers.