WH40k:RT Propaganda Mission

Warhammer 40,000 Rogue Trader
propaganda mission

simpkin’s serpents have decided to increase their small-scale rebellion against the imperium of man, from the simple raiding they have been conducting to keep themselves supplied, to an attempt to instigate an insurgency by the populace of st. andrews. they have decided to launch a raid on a rural outpost of spanglish town broadcasting in order to upload a communique condemning the imperial occupation of the caribbean viii sector.
imperial forces have caught wind of their intentions and a squad of the transhuman kekoa space marine chapter has been landed dropped into the area in order to intercept them.


simpkin's serpents

since desertering from the adeptus astartes, and fleeing from the main centres of imperial space it has become clear to you how valuable the remaining independent parts of the universe are. for years you and your fellow star bastards have made do with small scale acts of retribution against isolated imperial facilities, scavenging supplies as you can, constantly evading imperial patrols. now, however, you have decided that it is time for something bigger; time to instigate a rebellion against the tenuous imperial occupation of the caribbean viii sector. the first step is to announce your plan the residents of the planet of st. andrews, in the jamaica system, and for this purpose you have selected an isolated rural station of spanglish town broadcasting.

python simpkin46644262999960

equipment: auto-pistol; blind, frag and smoke grenades; boot knife; cannibalised powered armour; chainsword; communicator; conversion field; photochromatic visor; powerglove; stub gun.


maurice two lives45543151888824

equipment: bolt pistol; cannibalised powered armour; communicator; displacer field; frag and (1) plasma grenades; photochromatic visor; power shield; respirator; shotgun.

fenris wolf9403313134440

ransom black44443141888847

equipment: bolt pistol; breathing mask; cannibalised powered armour; communicator; missile launcher with crack and smoke missiles; photochromatic visor.

coughing wood44443141888822

equipment: cannibalised powered armour; communicator; energy scanner; flamer; photochromatic visor; rad counter; scare gas and smoke grenades.

dickens mad man44443141888814

equipment: cannibalised powered armour; communicator; displacer field; frenzon; photochromatic visor; shotgun; stub gun.

nikolas whisper44443141888814

equipment: breathing mask; cannibalised powered armour; communicator; frenzon; photochromatic visor; shotgun; stub gun.

dead eyed weldon44443141888814

equipment: breathing mask; cannibalised powered armour; communicator; frenzon; lasgun; photochromatic visor.

giant insectoid63055333828824

transhuman kekoa

the traitor marines, known popularly as 'the menagerie' due to their mix of riding animals have been raiding settlements on the planet of st. andrews with impunity for far too long. imperial authorities have received a short notice tip off that they are planning a raid on a rural outpost of spanglish town broadcasting. your squad has been deployed by grav-chute to intercept them, and put an end to their heresy against the emperor.

brother sergeant mei mele45543151888829

equipment: auto-senses; bolt gun; boot knife; cameleoline; communicator; crack grenades; energy scanner; infra-vision; powered armour; respirator.

brother keon44443141888825

equipment: auto-senses; bolt pistol; cameleoline; communicator; melta-gun; powered armour; respirator.

brother ulati44443141888818

equipment: auto-senses; bolt gun; cameleoline; communicator; powered armour; respirator.

brother iakopa44443141888819

equipment: auto-senses; bolt gun; cameleoline; communicator; frag grenades; powered armour; respirator.

brother kalili44443141888819

equipment: auto-senses; bolt gun; cameleoline; communicator; frag grenades; powered armour; respirator.

brother corporal iaukea45543151888823

equipment: auto-senses; bolt pistol; cameleoline; chainsword; communicator; crack grenades; powered armour; respirator.

brother kameo44443141888820

equipment: auto-senses; bolt pistol; cameleoline; communicator; flamer; powered armour; respirator.

brother alanu44443141888820

equipment: auto-senses; bolt pistol; cameleoline; chainsword; communicator; frag grenades; powered armour; respirator.

brother mahaulu44443141888819

equipment: auto-senses; bolt pistol; cameleoline; chainsword; communicator; powered armour; respirator.

brother iona44443141888819

equipment: auto-senses; bolt pistol; cameleoline; chainsword; communicator; powered armour; respirator.

The table is approximately 5’ x 4’6”.
The broadcasting studio is roughly centred along the short dimension and one third of the long edge in; a road leads to it’s fenced off car park and then snakes past. There is one single- and another multiple-occupancy residential building nearby. The rest of the table is scattered with storage containers, vegetation and a photovoltaic array.

simpkin’s serpents set up within 1’ square of the bottom left table corner as a single group.
the transhuman kekoa set up within 1’ square of the top right table corner. they start the game as a single group.

Special Rules
the star bastards cannibalised powered armour offers a space of 5+.

should the giant insectoid ever be without at least one star bastard in its fighting platform it is classed as an out of control vehicle. a space marine (or civilian for that matter) can seek to take control on the same manner as hot-wiring a vehicle (see below).

all buildings are T8, D3, and each side constitutes a section, most have internal access to their roofs. Most doors are locked and are T6, D3.

wire fences are T3, D3.

barricades are T8, D10.

models may attempt to hot-wire vehicles on the board; assume they have the profile of a city car (WH40K:RT p. 108) but with whatever capacity seems appropriate to the model. In order to hot-wire the vehicle a figure must sit in the driver’s seat doing nothing else for 1 turn, at the start of the next turn they may make an Int test, and if successful drive the vehicle as normal. one test may be made in turn although a roll of double 6 will result in the vehicle being permanently immobilised.

python simpkin must spend D4+1 turns inside the studio to browbeat the staff into broadcasting the propaganda transmission.

space marine casualties can be looted by a star bastard spending an inactive turn in base-to-base contact. therefore space marine casualties should be left on the table.

the camera crew are assumed to be filming anything interesting within a 90º arc of their facing.

Victory Conditions
star bastard victory conditions

+5 propaganda transmitted
+2 mei mele / iaukea taken out of action
+1 each other enemy taken out of action
+1 each vehicle taken off the table
+1 each enemy combatant looted
+1 successful attack caught on camera
-4 python simpkin taken out of action
-3 giant insectoid taken out of action
-2 maurice two lives taken out of action
-1 each other star bastard taken out of action

space marine victory conditions

+10 propaganda not transmitted
+6 python simpkin taken out of action
+4 maurice two lives taken out of action
+4 giant insectoid taken out of action
+4 missile launcher taken out of action
+2 each other star bastard taken out of action
-3 each special weapon space marine looted
-2 each bolt gun space marine looted
-1 each other space marine looted
-5 space marine filmed attacking civilian


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